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Beat the Streets,商業、藝術與無家可歸 II

上一篇筆記中,我們談到了諾丁漢政府機構與本地商業精英的午餐會( 點擊閱讀)。本篇我想與你們聊聊2018開年商務宴會與藝術的碰撞。

In the last article, we have talked about the Nottingham business lunch event held by Nottingham City Council and the local business elites. Today I』d like to introduce the collision between art and the first business banquet of 2018.

午餐結束之後,首先由我們顏值擔當Mr. Brendan Moffett用他飽含深情的目光向來賓做簡短的開場介紹。

After the lunch, Mr. Brendan Moffett firstly gave a brief opening speech with his affectionate words.

本場活動的贊助商Mason Infotech的總裁Mr. Steve Mason 以詼諧有趣的姿態調侃了一番自己的人生故事。

On the other hand, the sponsor of this event, Mr. Steve Mason, CEO of Mason Infotech, shared his life story with a humorous attitude.

最後不忘向各家企業推薦自己的公司Mason Infotech作為值得信賴的網路技術供應商IT services provider提供技術支持。

At the end of his speech, he strongly recommended his company Mason Infotech as a reliable IT service provider to offer technological supports.

剛剛被委任為臨時德比和諾丁漢大區中小企業聯盟的首席執行官 Mr. Matthew Wheatley, 欣喜地宣布新鮮出爐的經濟增長數據- 諾丁漢和德比地區的經濟規模趨近伯明翰和索里霍爾地區的經濟規模,過去5年我們累計收穫17.5%的經濟增長。

Mr. Matthew Wheatley, CEO of D2N2 LEP, who was just appointed as the interim CEO of D2N2 LEP, delightfully announced that achievement we got. 」The Nottingham and Derby economy is around the same size as that of Birmingham and Solihull. We』ve grown by 17.5% in the last 5 years.」

這一驕人成績當然離不開我們諾丁漢經濟發展團隊全體成員與德比經濟發展團隊的共同努力。在此向我的男神Chris Henning,諾丁漢市政廳經濟發展部部長再次致以崇敬之情。

This incredible achievement is resulted from the hard working efforts of the entire Economic Growth teams from both Nottingham and Derby regions. Here I』d like to express my admiration to Mr. Chris Henning, Economic Development Director, Nottingham City Council.


The latter situation is a fairly accurate description of Nottinghamshire. While manufacturing remains a dominant force in the business landscape, several other sectors from technology to transport, are also in good health as this analysis of the county』s top 50 fastest growing businesses shows. This is undoubtedly good news. As the UK faces Brexit with uncertainty, a strong and diverse foundation of growth industries could be an important asset for Nottinghamshire.

會議進入尾聲,來自慈善機構Framework的首席執行官Andrew Redfern被邀請上台向在場的嘉賓介紹由政府支持的慈善音樂會 Beat the Streets。Framework希望通過全天的音樂節活動募集8~9萬的善款用於救助無家可歸的流浪人。

At the end of the event, Andrew Redfern, CEO of Framework is updating the room on their latest winter work to tackle homelessness. They are hoping to raise £80k-£90k from the whole day musical festival Beat the Streets weekend in Nottingham.

下一次,我會和你們聊聊Beat the Streets慈善音樂節的現場。

In next article, I will talk about the scene of the charity musical festival. Let』s beat the streets together.



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