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原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:zmx_cici 轉載請註明出處


Original Title: Oldest human remains outside Africa found in Israeli cave


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A partial jawbone bearing seven teeth unearthed in a cave in Israel represents what scientists are calling the oldest-known Homo sapiens remains outside Africa, showing that our species trekked out of that continent far earlier than previously known.


A close-up view of the teeth accompanying the left maxilla of human remains from Misliya Cave in Israel, the oldest remains of our species Homo sapiens found outside Africa, is provided in this photo released on January 25, 2018. Courtesy Israel Hershkovitz Tel Aviv University Handout via REUTERS


Researchers on Thursday announced the discovery of the fossil estimated as 177,000 to 194,000 years old, and said the teeth bore telltale traits of Homo sapiens not present in close human relatives alive at the time including Neanderthals.


The fossil of the left part of the upper jaw of a young adult -the person"s sex remains unclear -- came from Misliya Cave on Mount Carmel"s western slopes about 7.5 miles (12 km) south of Haifa. Also found inside the large collapsed cave, once inhabited by humans, were blades and other stone tools that were sophisticated for the time, several hearths and burned animal bones.


Homo sapiens first appeared in Africa, with the earliest-known fossils roughly 300,000 years old. A key milestone was when our species first ventured out of Africa en route to populating the far corners of the globe.


Until now, the oldest Homo sapiens fossils outside Africa had come from two other cave sites in Israel, including one also on Mount Carmel, about 90,000 to 120,000 years old.


The new discovery supports the idea that humans migrated out of Africa through a northern route, the Nile valley and the eastern Mediterranean coast, and not a southern route across the Bab al-Mandeb strait, the southern coast of Saudi Arabia, the Indian subcontinent and East Asia, said Tel Aviv University paleoanthropologist Israel Hershkovitz, who led the study.

負責此研究的以色列特拉維夫大學古人類學家赫斯科維茲( Israel Hershkovitz)表示,此新發現支撐了人類由北方路線尼羅河流域和東地中海海岸遷徙出非洲的說法,而不是通過曼達布海峽,沙烏地阿拉伯南海岸,印度次大陸和東亞這一南方路線遷徙的說法。

「This is an exciting discovery that confirms other suggestions of an earlier migration out of Africa,」 added paleoanthropologist Rolf Quam of Binghamton University in New York, a co-author of the study published in the journal Science.

羅爾夫(Rolf Quam),是發表在《科學雜誌》上這篇研究的合著者,也是美國賓漢姆頓大學古人類學家,說「這是個令人興奮的發現,因為這個發現確認了人類早期遷徙出非洲的其他學說」。

「Now we finally have fossil evidence of this migration, in addition to inferences drawn from ancient DNA studies and archaeological sites,」 Quam said, referring to genetic research suggesting a migration from Africa at least 220,000 years ago and probably earlier.


Hershkovitz said he believes Homo sapiens may have originated some 500,000 years ago.


The Misliya humans were likely nomadic, moving around the landscape following the movements of prey species or according to the seasons of the year, Quam said.


「They were capable hunters of large-game species including wild cattle, deer and gazelles. They also made extensive use of plant materials, including perhaps for bedding,」 Quam added.



原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:zmx_cici 轉載請註明出處


1. Christian Martinez: I thought those were toes, but they"re teeth!



2. Teddy Locsin Jr.: important to remember, WE ARE ALL AFRICANS. (You try to sit next to the Kafue river, with an open hardwood fire, at the time of the African sunset, and you"ll never want to leave.)



3. L.C.N:Prepare to find even older humans in brazil, which geographical closeness to africa is curiously, never considered in any or all accounts.



4. Rachel Atherton: Interesting thing is a lot of teeth in living humans today aren"t even remotely in as good of shape.



5. JerryAscione:That"s not ancient. My grandpa was looking for his dentures he dropped them. Ty for finding them.



6. Bashir G:We are fighting over Israel and Palestine instead of welcoming this good news. Okay guys it was found in cave in Israetine.



7. Mark:How do we know someone on their way out of Africa didn"t drop their favourite ancestor relic some time later?



8. Frankie: To those saying Israeli or Palestine: It"s in west Asia, Middle East area near a desert and a famous sea.




9. sandile kolomba : in this 21century where tech has took over almost everything it"s difficult to believe how true and honestly this is.



10. Randall:All of the oldest human remains and artifacts seem to come from locations around the Mediterranean Sea.



11. WizardsTrash:Fake news. Earth isnt older than 5 thousand years



12. Dan Ferraris:Left maxilla including a wisdom tooth (at least 18-20 yo) No decay and very little wear, but some evidence of bone loss around the roots. Bone loss usually indicates age and lack of wear the opposite?



13. Ted Kinni: Love that we"re all black/Jewish/Arabs




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