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[n.]Narcotics are drugs such as opium or heroin which make you sleepy and stop you from feeling pain. You can also use narcotics to mean any kind of illegal drugs. 麻醉劑; 毒品

He was indicted for dealing in narcotics.他因販賣毒品而受到起訴。

[adj.]If something, especially a drug, has a narcotic effect, it makes the person who uses it feel sleepy. 麻醉的

hormones that have a narcotic effect on the immune system.…對免疫系統有麻醉作用的激素

drug of choice

A therapeutic that is regarded as being the best agent or first agent to use when treating a particular condition; DOCs usually have the lowest toxicity and the widest therapeutic range of the available agents. 首選藥物。這裡引申為「上上之選」。

Money is my drug of choice for anxiety.



[adj.]Something that is snazzy is stylish and attractive, often in a rather bright or noticeable way. 時髦的; 新潮的 [非正式]

a snazzy new Porsche一部漂亮的新款保時捷

keep track of

If you keep track of something or someone, you make sure that you have accurate information about them all the time.掌握…的線索,了解…的動態;留心(或注視)…的發展(或進程);保持與…的聯繫

My health history is so involved I have created a Google document to keep track of it.我的健康記錄複雜難懂,因此我已經創建了一個谷歌文件來跟蹤它。

floor model

a piece of equipment placed in a retail shop"s sales area for display purposes商店的陳列品,展品

I got this washing machine at a discount because it was the floor model.這台洗衣機是商店的展品,我打折買的。

get on (one"s) nerves

To irritate, grate on, or exasperate someone令人不安;使某人生氣;使人精神緊張

One thing to keep in mind is that certain habits tend to get on other people"s nerves.得記住的一件事是(你的)某些習慣會容易讓別人煩。

live paycheck to paycheck

To spend all of the money one earns by or before the next time one is paid, thus saving none or very little in the process月光族

They live paycheck to paycheck and if they lose their jobs, they』re in some pretty deep financial trouble. 他們靠薪水生活,如果有一天失業了,他們就會陷入財務困境。

(go) on and on

Continuously and perpetually, without stopping繼續不停地

The examples go on and on.這樣的例子還有很多很多。

burst into flame

To ignite suddenly and violently. (突然猛烈地)燃燒起來

It"s been dry for so long that the forest could burst into flame at any moment.天氣乾燥了這麼久,森林隨時都會燃燒起來。

cut back

If you cut back something such as expenditure or cut back on it, you reduce it. 削減

Customers have cut back spending because of the economic slowdown.由於經濟放緩,顧客們已經減少了花銷。

The Government has cut back on defense spending.政府已削減了國防開支。

set aside

If you set something aside for a special use or purpose, you keep it available for that use or purpose.省出; 抽出

Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for worry.一些醫生建議每天抽出一定時間思憂。

If you set aside a belief, principle, or feeling, you decide that you will not be influenced by it. 把…拋在腦後

He urged the participants to set aside minor differences for the sake of achieving peace.他敦促與會者把小分歧拋於腦後,以求實現和平。

here and there

at this place and that; from place to place. 各處,到處

So how do you squeeze an extra hour here and there? 所以如何在各處擠出額外的一小時?

head into

to direct someone or something into someone or something. 走向

I rent a motorcycle and head into the interior of the island in search of isolated trails and sleepy villages. 我在那租了輛摩托車,騎著進了島的深處,探索那些與世隔絕很久的遺迹和沉睡的小村莊。

uncalled for

not justified, undeserved不必要的

I"m sorry. That was uncalled for.對不起。那是沒必要的。

Your remarks on that occasion were quite uncalled for. 你在那個場合說的一席話真是不合時宜。



A tiff is a small unimportant quarrel, especially between two close friends or between people in a romantic relationship. (親密朋友、情侶之間的)小爭吵; 口角; 拌嘴

blow over

If something such as trouble or an argument blows over, it ends without any serious consequences. (麻煩、爭論等) 平息

Wait, and it"ll all blow over.等等吧,事情總會過去的。

If you ignore it, the situation will blow over soon. 如果你不理它,這種狀況很快就會平息了。

make a big deal of/about…

The phrase is often used to complain that someone is exaggerating a problem or alleged wrongdoing. 小題大做(非正式)

Do you make a big deal out of unimportant issues? 你在不重要的事情上面花費很多精力嗎?

I usually make a big deal about content preceding design, and presentations are no exception.通常,我會在設計內容導入上下很大功夫,做報告時也是如此。



a quarrel about petty points口角

She was having a spat with her brother about who should do the washing up. 她剛為了該由誰來洗碗與她哥哥吵了幾句。

elaborate on

If you elaborate on something that has been said, you say more about it, or give more details. 作詳細闡述

A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday.發言人拒絕對昨天晚些時候發表的一份聲明作出更多說明。

have issues with

If someone has issues with a particular aspect of their life, they have problems connected with it. 有…方面的問題

Once you have issues with food, you"re going to have them for the rest of your life.一旦你在食物方面有問題,你以後的生活中就一直會有這樣的問題。



If there is a precedent for an action or event, it has happened before, and this can be regarded as an argument for doing it again. 先例 [正式]

set a precedent

to establish a pattern; to set a policy that must be followed in future cases.開創先例

The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with similar cases.這次審判能為處理類似案件開創一個重要先例。


To succeed in having sexual relations with a desired partner. [主美國俚語]發生性關係;誘姦;(妓女)接客







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