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背韋小綠和Word Power Made Easy還不如背這個(二)

上次更新中,我們介紹了Norman W. Schur辭彙系列的前兩冊:1000 Most Practical Words(又名:1000 Most Effective Words)和1000 Most Important Words。這次介紹三四冊:1000 Most Challenging Words(又名:A Dictionary of Challenging Words)和1000 Most Obsure Words。

其中第三冊最能體現作者深厚的學養和非凡的筆力,我本人更是把該書奉為「福勒慣用法」(Fowler"s Modern English Usage),「早川同義詞」(Use the Right Word)一樣的語言類經典參考書。無論你的目的是短期內快速提高辭彙量,還是從根本上提升用詞功力;無論你用的方法是高強度集中突破,還是閑暇時翻閱,這本書都能讓你收穫滿滿。


第三冊:1000 Most Challenging Words




archetype(AR kih tipe) n. Thearchetypeof anything is itsoriginal model, itsprototype. In Latin,archetypummeans 「original,」 taken over from Greekarchetypon(pattern, model), neuter ofarchetypos, based on prefixarche-(primitive) plustypos(mold).

首先給出定義,其中包括original model和prototype兩個同義表達。隨後是詞源信息

The English historian and statesman Thomas Macaulay (1800-1859) called the British House of Commons 「thearchetypeof all representative assemblies.」 The adjective isarchetypal(AR kih tye pul) orarchetypical(ar kih TIP ih kul).

以上是用十九世紀英國歷史學家、政治家麥考萊的名言作為例證。並給出詞性變化。不得不承認,到這裡為止我們所引部分包含的信息,與普通大詞典沒有明顯區別,還沒有像上次講的1000 Most Effective Words和1000 Most Important Words那樣,提供很多實用表達法。不要著急,精彩的在下面:

The American novelist Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) created anarchetypein the novel, whose protagonist of that name became thearchetypeofthe smug American, a devout conformist who subscribes to conventional middle-class ideas of business success and material gains(babbitt, with a lower case b, has become a common noun denoting such a person), just as Casanova is the archetypicalrake, Sherlock Holmes thearchetypicaldetective (sherlock, too, is now a common noun), Shylock thearchetypicalrelentless moneylender(a shylock is ausurer), Lolita thearchetypicalnymphet, and Emma Bovary,thearchetypicaldiscontented, conceited self-glamorizing wife, whose name gave rise to the nounbovarism(BOH vuh riz urn), signifying that type ofself-delusion.




the smug American, a devout conformist who subscribes to conventional middle-class ideas of business success and material gains建議作為整體記憶。如果需要拆分,那麼the smug American, a devout conformist, conventional middle-class ideas, material gains都是實用搭配。需要注意subscribe to這裡並不是常見的「訂閱」的意思,而是「同意,贊成」。material gains複數。


rake,注意衍生形容詞rakish有一個固定表達wear a hat at a rakish angle。

relentless moneylender和usurer可以看做同義表達。


thearchetypicaldiscontented, conceited self-glamorizing wife也建議整體記憶。注意self-glamorizing和末尾的self-delusional都包含self-這個構詞能力極強的構詞成分。這裡再次強調,我們不應該把構詞法等同於詞綴+希臘拉丁粘著詞根這一種情況。從表達的角度來說,詞綴+自由詞根,轉類法,合成法對學習者來說更有價值。本書涉及的1000個所謂challenging words雖然大多是希臘拉丁詞源,但作者本人在講解中的用詞,卻能很好地體現各種現代英語構詞法,表達效果也非常好。這也是我們特別推薦本書的原因之一。

英語中babbitt, sherlock, bovarism這類來自人名的辭彙,叫做eponym(名祖名詞)。





arriviste(air e VEEST) n. Anarrivisteis a very unpleasant character:an upstart, a pushy, aggressive personwho manages to achieve his goal of power, money, status, or other type of what he considers successthrough unscrupulous methods;a self-seeker, a parvenu,alwayson the make. The word is taken from the French, where it is a general term foran unscrupulous careerist, whether or not he has as yet succeeded in 「arriving.」

這裡有an upstart, a pushy aggressive person, through unscrupulous methods, a self-seeker, a parvenu, on the make,anunscrupulous careerist等實用的相關表達。注意上文提到的self-和往期推送重點講解過的un-,這些不起眼的詞綴,都值得下大工夫總結。

The American novelist John Hersey (b. 1914) wrote of 「an impoverished family of high breeding and trainingthatsneers self-consolingly at vulgararrivistes.」 In The English Companion (Pavilion Books, London, 1984), the contemporary English novelist, editor and columnist Godfrey Smith (b. 1926) writes of Winston Churchill (1874-1965): 「His closest friends -- Beaverbrook, Bracken and Birkenhead—were known to his wife as the three terrible Bs. All wereself-mademen:adventurers and arrivistes」

這裡有an impoverished family of high breeding and training, sneers self-consolingly at, vulgar arrivistes等可以整體記憶的實用表達。注意self-再次出現在兩個辭彙中,也印證了上文說過的「作者本人在講解中的用詞,能很好地體現各種現代英語構詞法」。adventurers and arrivistes這對押頭韻(alliteration)的名詞,可以算作n.+n.半固定搭配,也可以整體記憶。adventurer不是「冒險者」,Cambridge English-Chinese Dictionary Online給出的定義是:DISAPPROVING a person who takes risks, acts dishonestly, or uses the fact that they are sexually attractive to become rich or powerful 投機分子。




Many years ago, the author himself, as an indiscreet youth, snapped a photo of an ancient white-haired crone in the Italian countryside, carrying an incredible load of faggots on her head. She promptly hurled the faggots to the ground and engaged in an obscene ritualistic sort of dance that lasted a few seconds, and then turned her head and spat over her left shoulder three times. Let"s hope her apotropaic efforts were successful.



... arbitress... giving arbiter the feminie form(-ess), a practice now decried by ardent feminists who object to poetess, sculptress, Jewess, etc. (butactressseems to some acceptable, andcountess, baroness,mistressmust be, as well aslioness?).

actress seems to some acceptable有一些反諷(irony)的意味,實際上是因為很多女演員根本不買這種政治正確的賬,她們認為演員這種需要發揮女性獨特魅力的職業,用帶有陰性詞尾的actress很合適,女權主義者才不在這個詞上做文章了。

andcountess, baroness,mistressmust be, as well aslioness? 這也是一種反諷(irony),本句包含的是當時明確保留-ess的辭彙,作者卻用問句,好像在徵求他人意見。這種寫法頗有一種「怕了你們」的意味:你們女權主義者厲害,我跟你們說話要謹小慎微,只能用商量的語氣,免得落一個政治不正確的罪名。由此可以看出,作者思想比較傳統,觀點比較保守,他也會用一種幽默而含蓄的方式表達自己的一些保守觀點。



第四冊:1000 Most Obscure Words

本冊收詞極難,我可以在testyourvocab測到30000以上,但這1000個詞里認識的不到100個。作者的講解以詞源信息,詞義演化和文化背景知識為主,相關的實用表達法擴展比較少;例證所佔篇幅很大,基本來自名著或者名人名言。因此,這一冊可以當Dictionary of Word Origins和Dictionary of Quotations來使用。由於難度太高,我們這裡不展開講,僅推薦給有志於攀登英語辭彙高峰的學習者攻讀。



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