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Giorgio Armani Fragrances & Beauty慶祝新款Sì Passione香水發布

原標題:Giorgio Armani Fragrances & Beauty慶祝新款Sì Passione香水發布

To celebrate the international launch of the new Sì Passione fragrance embodied by actress Cate Blanchett, an exclusive cocktail was held at the Palais de Tokyo in the presence of personalities and friends of the House like Sara Sampaio, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Olga Kurylenko, Tina Kunakey and Tom Munro, the fashion photographer behind the Sì Passione ad campaign.

Giorgio Armani says: "Sì is my tribute to modern femininity - an irresistible combination of grace, strength and independence of spirit." During the event, there was a special music performance of Hyphen Hyphen, and Hen Yanni. Hyphen Hyphen perfomed Closer to You , the Sì film campaign"s soundtrack. Press and influencers from all over the world discovered the new Sì Passione fragrance, launching as of this month.

為了慶祝女演員Cate Blanchett代言的新款Sì Passione香水在全球發布,Giorgio Armani Fragrances & Beauty近日在東京宮舉辦了一場專場雞尾酒會,參加酒會的有許多社會名流和公司好友,比如Sara Sampaio、Adèle Exarchopoulos、Olga Kurylenko和Tina Kunakey,還有時尚攝影師Tom Munro為Sì Passione的廣告宣傳提供支持。

Giorgio Armani表示,「Sì表達了我對現代女性的敬意,她們是優雅、堅強和獨立精神的結合體。」 酒會期間,Hyphen Hyphen和Hen Yanni帶來了一場特別的音樂表演。Hyphen Hyphen表演的是Closer to You(更靠近你),廣告片Sì的配樂。來自世界各地的媒體和網紅也對本月發布的新款Sì Passione香水進行了宣傳。



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