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I want to write this post to signify a big moment of our journey. The late evening in Yinchuan we were walking with a bit of a disappointing feeling inside ourselves because we could not see a very good outcome of the deal we have had. However, we took the situation to our hands and turned it around and started to dream again with even bigger and better feeling deep inside us. We had a burning feeling that we do want to put all our effort into the achievement of our vision. We did realize the craziness of the dream we have. But the inner excitement could not stop us from thinking how could we achieve our vision.

For now I do not want to open up all the curtains and tell you what is the crazy vision we have in our heads is. The only thing we really want is help people to have a better lifestyle. I do understand that this sentence is way too broad and may seems to be very na?ve. However, I do believe that as certain point of our journey you will see the result of our vision. The interesting part which did change us is that we started to be very proactive and energetic to the point that even sleeping become as a secondary thing and every day we are taking small steps towards the realization of our Plan.

I will be posting our weekly progress in order to document the entire history or our journey.

In this post I would like to give you some kind of motivation, a sort of a push towards the realization of your vision and your dreams. We do wish you to find something what gives you the energy what gives you the drive and what even something that will wake you up during the night.

Let me end this post with something motivational and inspiring.

Do not be afraid to change your life cos at the end you are the writer of your own life, do something what challenges you, and do what you feel like you want to do. Do not give up even if it hard, do not give up if it takes your time, put on the hours of work and enjoy the process.





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