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「I was a full time housewife. I kept mostly to myself. I was a very shy person. Then one year a local school asked if I could volunteer to teach art to the children. Just one hour every day. I did such a good job that the next year they asked me to teach full time. My husband didn』t want me to do it. He said: 『You told me it would just be one hour.」 But I told him: 『I listened to you for twenty-five years, now it』s my turn to take the reins.』

I ended up teaching for fifteen years. I built such a good reputation that children came from other schools to join my class. The whole school threw a party when I retired. The children sang songs and danced. It just made me feel so special.

Teaching was the best decision I ever made. Now I feel like I』ve done something positive with my life.」

(Mumbai, India)


Humans of New York是紐約攝影師Brandon Stanton開創的街頭攝影計劃,他每天在紐約的街頭尋找普通的紐約人,請他們講述自己的生活和感悟,簡單的幾句話里常常有讓人會心一笑或者擊中人心的力量。

在Humans of New York的激勵下,世界上很多城市都有人開始了類似的攝影項目,其中也包括不少中國城市。我們也會從中選擇部分有意思的故事不定期發布。



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