首頁 > 最新 > ECA新聞:公司因運輸操作不良被記為缺陷



Company cited by FDAfor poor Transportation Practice公司因運輸操作不良被記為缺陷

An Indian site of the pharmaceutical company Glenmark wasinspected by the FDA in November 2017. The FDA now published the form 483*including observations related to bad shipping practice. Data shows that acream intended for the U.S. market was exposed for more than 30 hours to up to44.5°C. That alone is bad enough - but the company didn"t conduct aninvestigation "todetermine the impact … on the quality and integrity of the product".That is even more interesting as the company had received 21 consumercomplaints within two years saying that the cream in question was"watery".


*483 is the number of a form used by an FDA Investigatorto document the deficiencies he found during an inspection. It is issued at theend of the inspection and should be answered officially. This response isexpected within 15 working days after its issuance. Only then it is guaranteedthat the statement will be taken into account in a possible Warning Letter.


Source:FDA483 Form



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