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King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised Shenzhen-listed By-Health Co., Ltd. on the acquisition of Australian probiotic market leader Life-Space Group, for a purchase price of up to AU$690 million.

此次交易是湯臣倍健投資澳大利亞醫療保健行業的」走出去」收購項目,涉及Life-Space旗下的Evolution Health和Ultramix業務以及Life-Space益生菌品牌。

The transaction represents By-Health』s first major outbound acquisition in the Australian healthcare industry, with Life-Space operating the Evolution Health and Ultramix businesses as well as the Life-Space brand of probiotics.

金杜跨境團隊由澳大利亞和中國團隊組成,為此次收購提供了全程法律服務。項目負責合伙人是中國辦公室張天鏑和澳大利亞辦公室Will Heath。該項目團隊成員還包括:中國辦公室合伙人呂膺昊、楊曉荃、周蕊,以及團隊律師韓彧、李青林和丘亮;澳大利亞辦公室合伙人Andrew Deszcz,以及律師團隊成員Michael Robertson,Rebecca Williams和Jason Xu。

As extensive cross-border KWM team working across Australia and China advised on the acquisition, led by Partners Tiandi Zhang in China and Will Heath in Australia. They were supported by Yinghao Lv, Xiaoquan Yang, Rui Zhou, Seric Han, Qinglin Li and Liang Qiu in China and Andrew Deszcz, Michael Robertson, Rebecca Williams and Jason Xu in Australia.


Commenting on the matter, Tiandi Zhang said, we are delighted to have supported our longstanding client By-Health on its first Australian acquisition, which will provide significant international growth potential to extend its strong China operations.

Will Heath補充道:「不僅能夠在中澳兩國為客戶提供無縫連接的優質法律支持,金杜還是唯一一家擁有成功處理此類併購交易經驗和能力的國際律所。」

Will Heath added, 「KWM is the only international firm with the M&A experience and capability to successfully advise on a transaction of this nature, with the firm able to seamlessly operate across the region offering both Australian and Chinese legal support.」


The transaction is expected to close later this year, subject to regulatory (FIRB and PRC) and shareholder approvals.



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