首頁 > 最新 > 大數據與風電場運維:歐洲業者在討論什麼?


歐洲風能協會將在 2018 年 5 月舉行一個風電場運維分析的 Workshop,其主題是: Big data & Machine learning , 大數據與機器學習。


Session 1:Deriving value from Big Data,從大數據中獲得價值

話題 1:Combining IoT and Big Data Analytics to improve Wind Farm Performance, 用物聯網和大數據分析提升風場性能

話題 2:Value from free-text maintenance records: converting wind farm work orders into quantifiable, actionable information using text mining,用文本挖掘技術把非結構化的運維日誌轉換成可量化,並可以此決策的數據信息

話題 3:Power Curve Evaluation Based on Limited Wind Speed Range,基於有限風速範圍的功率曲線評價

話題 4:Power Forecasting Improvement Research Project,功率預測提高研究

SESSION 2: Enhancing turbine performance using data,用數據增強機組性能

話題 1: From real wind to actual power output,從風到電能輸出

話題 2: Root cause analysis or why this is happening to me,這個話題應該是關於用數據分析挖掘機組運行狀態

話題 4:Production gain assessment due to improved dynamic yaw control settings,通過偏航優化提升發電量

話題 5:Monitoring O&M data from 11,443 turbines worldwide: approaches, challenges and lessons learned,從 11443 颱風電機組監控運維數據的方法、挑戰和經驗 - 這個報告是的演講者來自中國的龍源風電工程公司

話題 6:Findings on the model based diagnostics implementation,基於模型的故障診斷實現

SESSION 3: Lowering operational costs,降低運維成本

話題 1: Guideline on Operational Data Assessment,運維數據評估導則

話題 2: Towards Revenue Assessment,效益導向的評估

話題 3: A look-back analysis on ENGIE plants,ENGIE 計劃的回顧與分析

話題 4: Improving offshore wind farm performance through novel access strategies,通過新的數據訪問策略達到海上風場性能提升

SESSION 4: Back to the future: from post-construction yield analysis to life extension,關於機組壽命延長的話題

話題 1: Reconciling the past with the present: the impact of developments in reanalysis data on pre- and post-construction yield analysis,數據分析對整個投資建設、運維的價值

話題 2: Leveraging Envision Energys EnOS IoT platform towards automated post-construction yield analysis for benchmarking and improving the accuracy of the Greenwich Systems yield predictions,這是遠景能源提交的關於物聯網和雲平台的話題

話題 4: Surrogate Modelling of load and power output variation in wind farms,風電場載荷與功率輸出變化的代替建模

話題 5: An online digital twin for real time calculation of remaining life,實時壽命預估伴隨系統

話題 6: Lifetime extension reports and the redesign of O& M concepts for aging turbines,老計組的壽命延長與運維再設計

SESSION 5: Innovations in operations & hybrid systems,運維與新技術混合應用創新

話題 1: Machine Learning for automated detection of wind farm underperformance,用機器學習的方法檢測風電場性能異常

話題 2: SCADA analysis might be the best return on investment you ever get,SCADA 數據分析可能是你最好的投資

話題 3: Examining the business incentives for investments in coupled wind – storage systems,這是一個風場與儲能系統的話題

以上是整個 Workshop 的所有話題,如果有更詳細,更有價值的信息,我會繼續跟蹤。


另外,請大家幫個忙,我一個在風電運營商的朋友,想聯繫 DNV-GL 的風電業務部門,如果讀者里有或者知道具體聯繫方式的請留言給我。



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