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All Attainment Originate From the Faith信心是成就的根源




All Attainment Originate From the Faith

Padmasambhava said: there is no blessing if lack of faith, and one cannot obtain attainment if he doubts. A person wishes to learn Dharma, practice, get accomplishment or obtain the blessings, the key is the complete faith. The greater faith in the Guru and the Three Jewels you have, the greater merits and virtues you get. The greater faith in the Guru and the Three Jewels you have, the more fortunes you accumulate. The greater faith in the Guru and the Three Jewels you have, the more blessings you gain. All attainment originate from the faith, we must develop faith. How to do? We should constantly remember both merits and virtues of the Guru and the Three Jewels, try our best to learn and practice, eliminate karma and accumulate merits. There are no other ways except for this.



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