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現在給IT下定論還為時尚早,希望他別像麥克海爾 一樣



[Reed] LeBron on Isaiah Thomas: "I want Isaiah to get his bounce back, get his spring back get healthy... I just feel like he was playing behind the eight ball, not only on the floor, but just trying to get himself back... I wish the best from him in LA."

[–]NBAspidersilva09 2091 指標 12小時前 

AKA I don"t have time for him to figure his shit out on my team.


[–]RocketsInvisibroBloodraven 524 指標 9小時前 

"Can"t win with this kitten."



[–]Oscarthegreat21 171 指標 9小時前 



[–]Vancouver GrizzliesCALL_ME_ISHMAEBY 25 指標 5小時前 



[–]HeatTronics23 2085 指標 12小時前 



[–]Raptorsraptorsbucketnator 566 指標 12小時前 

"leave you fucking midget"


[譯註2]:曾經小蟲博格斯有一個絕殺喬丹的機會,喬丹後退一步道:「你投吧,你個小矮子(shoot it you fucking midget)。」 然後喬丹贏了。 

[–]CelticsDie4MyTiggers 143 指標 11小時前 

IT is deserving of a lot of criticism for how things went in Cleveland but I』m getting annoyed at how many fans are piling on a guy that』s struggling due to an injury. Maybe most people didn』t watch him a lot last year but he』s clearly not healthy. Dude suffered a career threatening injury and is getting roasted by fans when trying to work through it.

Lebron is 10x more reasonable than almost every fan with this quote.



[–]TimberwolvesLamarMillerMVP 56 指標 9小時前 

Look, if the guy was an inefficient non-factor everyone would say 「he』s taking it easy, he』s just coming back.」


But that』s not what happened. He refused to compromise one iota. He ended up at a 29% usage rate (a hair under Lebron) despite a TS <50% and only 4 assists per game. If he were an average defender, those offensive stats would make him one of the biggest minus players in the league - but he』s not, he』s an atrocious defender.


It is impossible to overstate how bad Isaiah was. He was recovering from an injury, which lightens the blame. But he insisted on acting like he wasn』t, to the enormous detriment of his team. He wasn』t a non-factor, he was an insane factor against the Cavs.


[–]CelticsLefty_Mcgee 62 指標 11小時前 

The reason he gets piled on is because he has revealed he is incredibly insecure about himself and his career. Had he not revealed his diva-ness over the past summer and beginning of the season, he wouldn』t be catching nearly as much crap as he is now. He pumped himself up to a very high level, so if he doesn』t back that up he』s going to get roasted, regardless if he isn』t %100. That』s just the way it goes.


[–][BOS] Jayson TatumNeilGODsuch 930 指標 12小時前

It"s just unfortunate. IT put his body on the line to get paid and injury fucked him over


[–]94savage 552 指標 12小時前 

I remember when Jeremy Lin got some hate for not playing through that leg injury in the 2012 playoffs. Can"t blame him


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookAnti_Thon 148 指標 12小時前 

That was the Linsanity year, right? It wasn』t 2012 playoffs tho, I think.


[–]rzpieces 73 指標 11小時前

It was 2012



[–]Trapped_on_Internet 76 指標 9小時前 

Damn, the world was suppose to end 6 years ago.

Holy fuck thats a long time.



[–]Warriorsby_yes_i_mean_no 83 指標 10小時前* 

Festus Ezeli did the same thing with the Warriors in the 2013 playoffs by playing through injury. The lesson is to prioritize yourself over the organization because ultimately the organization doesn"t care about you.

That goes for all of you who think your bosses care about you more than their company too.



[–]TimberwolvesGranny__Danger 30 指標 12小時前 

Injuries and a bit of help from Danny Ainge. If he would have stayed in Bos, I have to imagine they would have been much mor careful with his recovery, and his chance of getting relatively paid would have been higher.


[–]Celticsjpgray 66 指標 10小時前 

Danny fired basically the entire training staff over the summer, supposedly in large part because of how badly they fucked up at diagnosing and treating IT4"s injury.


[–]CelticsNopeNotGonnaAnswer 569 指標 12小時前 

I know IT is the Hitler of the Month but it really is a shame the season he"s having on a contract year. From being a MVP candidate averaging 29 ppg and leading his team to a 1-seed to a castoff, possibly on the bench for a non-playoff team.



He hasn"t been shy about wanting a huge payday this Summer (he"s been talking about it since he was a Celtic) and I think he knows now that he should expect to get what Lou Williams just got (3 years, $24 million). That incredible season last year and he"s gonna end up getting paid less than Evan Turner.


[–]TimberwolvesFilthyturkey 279 指標 12小時前 

If he continues this level of play no one is giving him 3 years. He"s likely getting a 1 year prove it deal in this market.


[–]Cavaliershelpwanted1 19 指標 12小時前 

I agree with you and if he doesn"t I think he could be out of the league after next year if he can"t turn things around.


[–]Timberwolvesqubi 115 指標 10小時前 

.................i will eat shit if IT is out of the league in 2019


[–]Trail Blazersbiggii2 22 指標 10小時前 

Holy shit you guys love hyperbole


[–]Raptorsjumpthroughit 15 指標 9小時前 

We have seen no shortage of ball dominant PGs with major defensive shortcomings coming off an injury play out a lot of their 30s overseas. This is far from hyperbole.


[Discussion] Is IT"s career arc a good example of cautionary tale of not sacrificing your health and welfare for the sake of a team? As Shaq was infamously quoted, "I got hurt on company time so I"ll heal on company time." 


IT went into last year"s playoffs with a hurt hip, and tragically lost his sister during the first round of the playoffs. Despite that, he suited up for the Celtics and poured his heart out leading them to a tough outing in the ECF. Even after he helped Gordon Hayward (and Al Horford) the year before, the main reasons why the Celtics are in prime position to rule the East.


The effort caught up to him and he was ruled out until this past January. Ainge realized this and flipped him for a younger, shinier PG, as all GMs are wont to do.


The side effect was that IT was never the same, both from a health standpoint, and from a system standpoint. He went from a Brad Stevens system to Ty Lue"s offense. Both contributed heavily to making him look like a shell of his former self. Then he was traded off a contender to a team that is using him for cap relief and already has a young PG they want to give more minutes to. Now he goes from a potentially $20m/yr deal to being lucky to get $10m/yr.


All because he sacrificed his body for the Celtics.


[–]Thunderjwestbrook95 2350 指標 1 天前 

IT was never the same

It"s been 15 games



[–]Kekukoka 1524 指標 1 天前 

That"s 14 games longer than the average /r/nba user"s attention span.


[–]NickFolesIsDaddy 517 指標 1 天前 

Only 1 game? That"s ridiculous. It took 4 games to determine that the Detroit Pistons would be 2018 NBA Champions


[–]chris3900 186 指標 1 天前 

Finally, someone with some sense lol. You would think it was the same as Rose having years pass since he was at a MVP level. It"s only been 15 games! Give the man some time to get back into game form.


[–]Cavaliersvoyaging 115 指標 1 天前 

People are overreacting so fucking much with IT lmao.

Two years ago Kyrie came back from injury and was bad for the second half the season. Then the Cavs won the Finals and Kyrie has played great since then and playing fantastic in Boston.

Sports fans are so reactionary and short sighted. I"m not saying IT is Kyrie Irving, and his defense is a huge concern since he basically has to be stellar on offense to make up for it, but at least give him a chance.




[–]Knicksantisocially_awkward 95 指標 1 天前* 

Hes a 5』9」 pg with a huge reliance on his speed and athleticism to keep up with larger players, about to be on the wrong side of 30 in a year,with a serious lower body injury that he』s still trying to get behind him. Kyrie was 23 at the time with a much less serious injury. Thomas also had been suffering from loss of cartilage and some arthritis in that same hip that he injured for years before that.


[–][LAL] Stanislav Medvedenkotheaquaticgiraffe 211 指標 1 天前 

We don』t even know how good IT will be again, he could just be taking a while to get back into it.


[–]CelticsWKWA 1518 指標 1 天前 

People forget Kevin McHale still limps 30 years later and lost the finals.


[–][BOS] Evan TurnerBroodingDecepticon 518 指標 1 天前 

Wonder if he regrets it. Prolly not, crazy SOB


[–][MIN] Kevin GarnettStarfreeze 381 指標 1 天前

He"d probably tell you it was worth it just for the chance to win.


[–]CavaliersDoktorSteven 209 指標 1 天前 

Plus Larry would have killed him if he half-assed it.


[–]Wizardsyousonuva 66 指標 1 天前 

Ainge was taking notes


[–]ThunderRamzaa_ 147 指標 1 天前 

What injury did he play through? I know he limps just never thought much about it


[–]Chiboostin 376 指標 1 天前 

broken navicular bone in his foot. Kept playing on it in "87 when he was told by doctors not to


[–]GrizzliesFireLordEustace 158 指標 1 天前 

He"s on record saying no, that he would have regretted not trying for it.


[–][BOS] Evan TurnerBroodingDecepticon 117 指標 1 天前 

Makes sense. Not trying and wondering is always tougher on the psyche longterm than trying and failing, I"ve found.


[–]barath_s 95 指標 23小時前* 

Grant Hill .

Was headed for the upper tier HoF before playing through injury for the pistons postseason. Then just a cascading set of injuries



" I did not try to prove at any point how tough I was,」 Hill said, dispelling the popular narrative that in his final season in Detroit (2000) he played in a first-round playoff series against Miami on an injured ankle in an effort to prove his toughness to critics. 「At no time did I go against doctor』s orders or team orders to play in my time in Detroit or my time in Orlando. I followed the orders."


I"m rooting for him to make the HoF, it could do with more class.


[–]TimberwolvesTdotGdot 70 指標 23小時前 

I think you do what brings you joy and helps you feel pride in what you"ve achieved.

I personally don"t believe IT went out and played for the city and organization of Boston because he felt some eternal bound. I believe he played because he is a prideful person that put in tons of work to get where he is, and he wanted to test himself and see if he can reach that level of gratification that huge achievement brings.



[–]mendeleyev 644 指標 1 天前 

Yes. You don"t sacrifice in business if you are just a worker for a rich guy. You can"t win.


[–][BOS] Jayson TatumNeilGODsuch 349 指標 1 天前 

we gotta seize the means of production



[–]brown_boot 172 指標 1 天前 

What this whole situation proves is that Brown and Tatum are way overrated due to Stevens coaching


[–][BOS] Jayson TatumNeilGODsuch 159 指標 1 天前 

lalalalala I can"t hear you lalalala


[–][BOS] Isaiah ThomasDeowine 70 指標 1 天前 

First of all, how dare you


[–]Celticsacken3 45 指標 1 天前 

Stevens is going to make it real hard for us to resign players down the line cause Danny knows what they"re actually worth. I think he"s gonna get a lot of guys paid in FA cause he can make em look better than they are


[–]Raptorsjps78 554 指標 1 天前 

Don"t trust Danny Ainge in any situation is what I am hearing here


[–]CelticsWKWA 477 指標 1 天前 

Danny would trade his mother for a high second.


[–]Sunsfalconlick 236 指標 1 天前 

He said he would trade Bird. Dude will fuck your bitch


[–]CelticsWKWA 117 指標 1 天前 

And he"s right about that. We had like one good year in 15 years after he retired because we didn"t get shit for him.


[–]TheParquetPosse 162 指標 1 天前 

To be fair nobody knew Len Bias would die like that but you"re right. Gotta cash in on assets before they expire.



[–]Sunsmurphstar 85 指標 1 天前 

A good GM is able to separate the emotion from the numbers. Ainge isn"t afraid to ship off half of his team in pursuit of getting better.


[–][OKC] Steven Adamslegendariusss 160 指標 1 天前 

Which is all well and good, but if anything that just confirms that you shouldn』t trust him lol


[–]RaptorsBootyLowry 452 指標 1 天前 


Especially since they turned on his ass



[–]Rocketshtown_hold_it_down 317 指標 1 天前 

Also a cautionary tale to not tell the world that you want a 「brinks truck」 in FA



[–][BOS] Paul Piercechickfilaftw 83 指標 1 天前 

We would be so fucked right now with no kyrie and hurt Gordon


[–][BOS] Danny AingeInAingeWeTrust 121 指標 1 天前 

And Fultz lol



[–]NetsLanaRhoades- 58 指標 1 天前 

At the same time you can"t blame the Celtics, but you can"t blame IT either

Celtics did what"s best for their franchise, IT was loyal and did everything for them, but at the end of the day it"s business and Ainge had a chance to get Kyrie, you dont pass that up.

So players should look out for themselves, dont be loyal.




[–]RaptorsMasai-Ujiri 273 指標 1 天前 

Lol he thought Celtics thought of him as their franchise player. They threw him away as soon as something younger and prettier showed up on their radar. Tbh can』t even blame em, everyone loves young pussy.




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