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再寒冷的冬季也有暖意 Warmth in the Coldest Winter





Winter has come, deep in every corner with its whimpering wind. Now the nights is dark. Fallen leaves crack like dry bones as the gust screams. Into the empty house. Coldness spreads quick, for the window glass has been far too thin to keep the cool air away.


One more layer of cotton quilt woven with grandma"s hands is now with me on the bed, warming me with a sense of comfort and warmth just like grandma"s loving embrace.


「My child,」 a familiar voice is called back in my head,」 It"s cold now……」 Surrounded by dim yellow light, I see grandma"s vague figure. She curls on the bed with a leg in the air, and a small coat with flower patterns in her hands. To the shadow, I stand up and move straight forward.


Once ago in my memories, grandma did love needle work. Every time winter came with its flying snowflakes, she would purchase bags of cotton and cloth for a new coat of her granddaughter. When the day breaks, she would put on her huge glasses to see clearly in the weak morning light, working with a dancing needle. Though there were many other works to do to feed the family, she never got tired of curling on the bed and working with the magic iron stick, with which she could gather all the pieces into one. And that magic stick was merely needle, thimble and wires. After a couple of days, even with no real need of measuring the body to get the size, the sewing was completed, with a brand new coat on my bed. "my child,"grandma would walk towards me with a smile as she wobbled the cotton to clear the wire pieces, "it"s cold now...". Then she would get me covered with the new soft cotton, looking at me with satisfaction, comfort and love. " What a percect match, and what a good look..."


I put on the cotton coat of grandma, feeling so warm and sweet that I was like a jolly angle.


As I grew up day by day, my idea on beauty changed. No longer did I consider grandma"s coat was pretty enough to be worn in front of others. Insterad, I put on bright colours. But inside those shiny clothes with shiny colours, grandma"s coat was still there to warm my body. In the chilly wind and on the snowy ground, I stood with my face red, but a great deal of warmth was kept under my skin and flesh, and that was the warmth of love.


Year by year, the coats turned to fit no more and was piled up in the wardrobe. Perhaps it was my growing bigger, grandma was no longer precise with my size. Perhaps it was the fashionable thing I had been seen to wear, grandma"s coats faded in my memories like any other old things from the past. Needlework was still on like it was years ago, but grandma was never as active. The remaining cotton and cloth turned old and gradually lost in time. Days just passed away with not a special thing but another coming winter, yet grandma didn"t even talked of making a coat. Her life was getting more relaxed after all, though with some pan of it being missing.


A few years ago, my uncles an aunts had babies one by one. Since we had long forgottern the hobby of grandma, it was actually a surprise when we notice the appearance of the bags filled with white cotton and colourful cloth. Along with the bags, grandma"s life was filled as well blooming once again to reclaim the lost vitality from the old years coverd with dust. Nevertheless, time left a scar, a scar bothering grandma as her fingers moved hard. She was getting old. Her hair was white as frost. Her hands shivered to hold the needle, Her eyes blinked like a tiny line. In the darkest nights, the familiar dim yellow light appeared only occasionally. Long before the coats with the same old looking finally came out in the package. When the new year was about to come, there were brought back to our hometown, where grandma gifted them to my younger cousins, asking them considerately glistened with joy at the pleasure of the children and at the gratitude of their parents, just like they did when I tried my new coat on years ago. Seeing all this, memories were brought back as I felt the long lost sense of warmth once again.


"My child," grandma said to me when I was leaving that day, with a package in her arms, "It"s cold now."Still, words were the same. "Take it," she continued as I held the heavy package, "Put it on your bed." "Wow,but why did you.." I looked into her red wet eyes, with my heart leaped ingratitude. "Just some cotton quilts and clothes. Handmade ones are best." She smiled softly, " I onced made you cotton coats, child. Now that the coats fit no more, I might as well make a quilt. The dormitory is never going to be as warm as our home, so be careful not to get yourself ill." Carrying the heavy package, my hands sweated. Although grandma"s skill was not as good as it used to be, I knew that what I carried was a beating heart, caring and warm in the cold winter.


They say that cotton is a flower, and it is the warmest of all. The white snow warms the sprouts,while the white, snow-like cotton warms my body and heart. Time flys. Though snow covers her black hair, grandma is still there with a needle and a fading, dim light. Days after days and years after years, her big hands clanced with needle and wires, creating love and warmth for her children in the cold winter.


Tonight, dreams get sweet when I am sound a sleep. Underneath my body, the cotton wires twist as my heart is with the warmest memories.


Now, clouds are thick and snow is high, but in the cold winter wind, so warm my heart is with the missing needle and loving wires.




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