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*刀鋒女俠Sarah 奔跑在海角之城-開普敦

Nothing Can Stop You From Running

A letter to Leo/William

My dearest Leo and William,

As you know, recently Daddy is bravely facing a challenge in life - WMC, the World Marathon Challenge - which is to complete seven marathons, on seven continents, in seven days. Daddy has deeply reflected in the process of preparing for such a daunting event and would like share some of those thoughts with you here.

Passion Made Possible


Passion made possible. We are most fortunate that the world offers us many opportunities to strive for and achieve our dreams. It is important we feed our curiosity of the world to inspire our hearts and set our goals. This will fire our passion for life; with passion we will be more vigorous; with passion infinite possibilities in life are created.


Practice Made Possible


Practice made possible. To look at and dream of what lies across the ocean needs courage, but more importantly we need to build a ship that can take us there. No matter how big the dream, how beautiful the wish, practice and hard work are inevitable. We need courage to walk towards our goals, step by step. Many people are dreamers but few have the conviction or tenacity to make those dreams reality. Without practice, determination and perseverance dreams will stay dreams. To live a life with no regrets we need to practise, practise and practise!


Patience Made Possible


Patience made possible. Life is always paved with challenges! Many lose heart in the face of difficulty and allow self-doubt to stand in their way. However, much of the time, patience is our most powerful weapon in countering difficulties. We must know our target then insist on it patiently and persistently. It is only when we are able to suffer 80% or even 99% of the pain, does the sun breakthrough the clouds and we feel life begin to blossom with the pleasure of success. It is in that moment we feel the worthiness of our endeavour and results of our endurance! I hope when you are facing difficulties, you will find patience and quiet determination; your patience will deliver you to your final success.


Partners Made Possible


Partners made possible. We are not alone, and in our journey we must learn to collaborate resources, ask for help, and importantly learn from others. In my experience, I have tried to be friends with those who』ve excelled; to stand on the shoulders of giants to see the world and to think more deeply about questions and challenges in life. Our ability to make friends, our leadership skills and cohesion in a team often determines the direction and pattern of ourlives. Remember, if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together.


Potential Made Possible


Potential made possible. Look into your heart and ignite your passion for life. Identify your goals, consolidate resources, be a team player, practise and be patient….your potential is beyond your imagination!

* WMC工作團隊在飛機上加班剪輯當天拍攝視頻


Nothing can stop you from running!We wish you a fantastic future and we will always love you and send you our blessings, care and love.


Michelle and Lionel

16 Feb.2018




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