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ESPN:After their trades last week, the Cavs could face a $300 million payroll next season if LeBron James stays. Including a record-smashing $150 million in luxury tax


[–]76ersgustriandos 1006 指標 10小時前

Lebron is gonna stay just to make gilbert write that fat ass check


[–]CavaliersNokia_Bricks 390 指標 8小時前*

Gilbert will be typing that check up in comic sans any minute now.

吉爾伯特很可能現在就在用漫畫字體 [譯註1] 列印這張支票哈哈哈。

[譯註1] 詹姆斯第一次離開騎士時,騎士老闆吉爾伯特曾在網上發表使用漫畫字體的公開信指責詹姆斯。

[–]LakersCrazyAsian 184 指標 7小時前

According to a friend who interned for the Cavs, Dan Gilbert does indeed send all his emails in comic sans, and in red font. It wasn"t just that online letter.


[–]NuggetsPancakeTaughtMe 63 指標 6小時前

Someone should change the Cleveland Cavaliers word logo to some kind of stylized comic sans if they lose a big game or something bad like that happens to them


[–]SpursPorcupineDream 234 指標 6小時前

Something like this?


[–]BullsBarajas0910 32 指標 8小時前

Isn』t Gilbert selling the team..? Or am I just talking out of my ass here?


[–]76ersgustriandos 45 指標 8小時前

That was just a rumor I think. Definitely nothing official


[–]CavaliersAFlaccidNarwhal 1196 指標 10小時前

Gilbert don』t give a shit


[–]mendeleyev 667 指標 10小時前

His net worth according to Forbes is $6.3B.


[–][CLE] J.R. Smithproblynotkevinbacon 314 指標 10小時前

Damn, I thought it was only $4b 2-4 years ago. (Yes, I know I said only, but that"s over a $2b difference lol)


[–]CavaliersTheBigEgg23 281 指標 10小時前

That"s about 5 seasons of the Cavs payroll, apparently. But clearly he"s profiting from this so I don"t think he cares too much.


[–]falcons85326 174 指標 9小時前

Actually no profit last year, i think like 100 million loss


[–]RocketsAyyyyyyyLemao 397 指標 9小時前

I think he meant profiting elsewhere due to Cavs doing well. I believe he owns bars or something in downtown Cleveland and he"s making a killing due to all the traffic Lebron brings. But yes the team itself is costing him money


[–]TimberwolvesRimmmer93 305 指標 9小時前

Owns a downtown casino in Cleveland, plus google shows him buying up different properties. Plus if the rumors of him selling are true, the unrealized gains in value of the team are unreal


[–]CavaliersNokia_Bricks 120 指標 8小時前

That casino is literally right across the street from the Q too.


[–]Raptorsdfsaqwe 165 指標 10小時前

tax money gets redistributed to the rest of the teams?


[–]Wizardslivefreeordont 211 指標 10小時前

Rest of the non-luxury tax paying teams


[–]SupersonicsFinestMilkSteak 210 指標 8小時前

It"s a great time to be tanking with a cheap roster.


[–]NBAtuberippin 70 指標 7小時前

About 6-8 teams are loving it. Hell, I"m pretty sure that this is the whole reason Ranadive owns the Kings


[–]LakersClutchxedo 36 指標 7小時前

Honestly the luxury tax is bullshit. The current version of the tax was implemented by the owners to stop the Heat-dynasty.

Now it』s biting most owners in the ass which is hilarious in it』s own way, but I don』t think it』s good for the league since smaller market teams don』t have the incentive to stay competitive.


[–][GSW] Jason RichardsonDanerysFlacco 11 指標 6小時前

For real owners could make bank by just having the least player salary possible then taking in these huge luxury tax bills


[–]BullsZezengorri 10 指標 6小時前

Did you mean "Having the least player salary possible then paying these huge bills?"

"The team salary must be at or above 90% of the salary cap... Teams with a team salary below the minimum are surcharged for their shortfall."



[–][GSW] Jason RichardsonDanerysFlacco 11 指標 5小時前

Yea so go right to 90% then spend no more

好吧那就正好90% 然後勒緊褲腰帶過日子唄。

[–]Verrit_Auth_Codes 155 指標 8小時前

The thing about the owners crying poor is that their teams are assets.

Not that Gilbert is crying or anything, but I just so happened to run the numbers last night:

Cuban bought the Mavs for $285M in 2000 (considered crazy). That"s $417M in today"s dollars. They"re worth 》$1.9B. That"s a 455% return in 18 years, without taking into account yearly profit/loss.



庫班2000年花了2.85億買下獨行俠(當時已經是很瘋狂了),通貨膨脹換算後相當於現在的4.17億美元。然而現在獨行俠價值超過19億。同志們,這是什麼,18年里455%的回報率,四捨五入就是1000% 啊(還不包括球隊每年的盈虧情況)!

[–]Raptorschimp1992 79 指標 8小時前

that"s actually a 9% IRR which is good but not anything amazing


[–]qchisq 92 指標 7小時前

Yeah, but that"s after inflation. Interest rates and returns, usually, are in nominal terms


[–]Casper7to4 22 指標 8小時前

You don"t just acquire a 6 billion dollar net worth by frivolously spending 5% of it to increase your odds of winning a sports game though.


[–]NBAtuberippin 28 指標 7小時前

Is it all that frivolous though? Considering Gilbert owns a big swath of downtown Cleveland, a competitive team yields a lot of money in areas outside of direct operation of the franchise.


[–][DAL] Michael FinleyLavenderGoomes 10 指標 9小時前

Very few sports teams actually profit. Owners don"t really buy sports teams for the money.


[–]RocketsAyyyyyyyLemao 42 指標 9小時前

A lot of the top teams actually profit. Just take a look at Forbes list.


[–][DAL] Michael FinleyLavenderGoomes 41 指標 9小時前

I work in tax with sports teams. Forbes estimates are trash

I"ll edit my comment to say youre not wrong, since you say a lot of the "top teams" you which doesn"t necessarily contradict my statement



[–]CelticsCrouchingPuma 9 指標 8小時前

Forbes lists teams by valuation (which is usually a bad estimate anyway), not profit. Look at all the crazy big European soccer clubs. Manchester United, Real Madrid, Barcelona, etc. are all hundreds of millions in debt, which is actually considered the smart thing to do for major clubs.


[–]Cavaliersflashcats 9 指標 9小時前

Sports teams tend to run an operating loss, but for the major sports, owners overall profit upon sale.


[–][DAL] Michael FinleyLavenderGoomes 23 指標 9小時前

Yes and no. Once you factor all of the costs, the profit still isn"t as lucrative as other viable business ventures. Owning a sports teams is much like owning a huge mansion. You"re not buying it to make money. You"re buying it cause it"s freaking awesome.


[–]Verrit_Auth_Codes 20 指標 8小時前

Don"t compare them to business ventures. Compare them to other viable investments.

The value of major sports franchises has drastically outperformed the market over the last 2 decades. Like - drastically.



[–][WAS] Caron Butleraronblue 500 指標 9小時前

People in this thread are praising Gilbert for his shelling out of the big money, but I think he wants Lebron to sign an extension so he can sell the team.


[–][CLE] Kevin Lovejwdwolfe 259 指標 8小時前

lebron should commit only to ten day contracts just to spite gilbert


[–]SpursMattsasse 48 指標 7小時前

What is the most you can pay a guy on a 10 day?


[–]76ersLoadedPotatoSkins_ 97 指標 7小時前

well you can only give the same player 2 10-day contracts, so he cant just keep going on them all season unfortunately.


[–]Bullsboxmakingmachines 47 指標 8小時前

I could see it.

Resign LeBron and the teams valuation continues to be one of the best in the league. Then sell off the team (and the teams MASSIVE luxury tax bill) to someone else for a nice profit, all while still maintaining a huge stake in the teams success because of Gilberts investments in the downtown Cleveland area. He then has none of the burden of the luxury and repeater tax payments, and still reaps the benefits of having LeBron in his city.

Sounds like a pretty fool-proof plan to me.



[–]AKA-Doom 36 指標 8小時前

It worked for Prokhorov in Brooklyn , for whom the KG trade and the wreckage he left the team with were simply a means to boost his Barclays Center and surrounding properties investment.

It really feels like we should stop believing these suit and tie motherfuckers telling us they are trying to help us - in sports or in politics for that matter - when their entire lives they screwed over as many people as possible to get to where they are at.



[–][CLE] LeBron Jameshiimred2 76 指標 9小時前

And even after he sells the team he still owns tons of downtown Cleveland property that thrives off the Cavs, so it"s in his best interest in every way for the team to be as valuable and entertaining as possible.


[–]RaptorsKevinOBomber 39 指標 10小時前

Dosen"t OKC have a similar bill coming their way?


[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesflashbunnny 46 指標 10小時前

If they keep George at the max and melo opts in.


[–]Cavaliers BandwagonSlightlyHigh_ 91 指標 9小時前

Melo is definitely going to opt in.


[–]CavaliersDeiVias 33 指標 9小時前

This is absolute worst case luxury tax.

Though the tax bill will still be high and it"s why Gilbert is one of the best owners in the league, we may not like the person but you need an owner who will spend and he will happily do so.

There are owners out there that would not go into luxury tax, even with Lebron on their roster.



[–]Pistonsgwok187 49 指標 8小時前*

See: OKC owner

Literally had a dynasty built for him, amazing drafting over 3 years got him what is now considered 3 of the top 10-15 players in the league. Durant even offered to take discounts to keep the core together. Such a damn shame, that team getting broken up is one of the greatest tragedies in the modern NBA era

EDIT: Made the player rank range wide to avoid controversy - either way they are all superstars so moral of the story is OKC fucked up




[–]Professor_Doobie 333 指標 10小時前

Gilbert deserves a lot of props. He』s been shelling out for this team ever since Lebron came back.


[–][MIA] Dwyane WadeFlyLikeATachyon 230 指標 9小時前

He』s a pretty shitty human being and is petty af too so it makes it hard to compliment him on anything.


[–]mapletree23 150 指標 9小時前

People don』t seem to understand the situation

Gilbert might not make money from the team directly with such a big luxury bill but all the sold tickets and merchandise probably keeps it a little closer to a positive


He still however does not lose money because of the Cavs, he owns property outside of the sport around the arena like casinos and hotels and probably bars and resteraunts and things like that and as long as the cavs are popular and doing well he no doubt still makes a nice chunk of change just from owning the cavs and then doing well even if the cavs franchise itself is a negative the bonuses around it and involving it are inevitably a gain for him


Not to mention with the cavs value currently being as it is probably north of a billion to sell it only means his property around the arena is valuable as well

Gilbert definitely makes money from owning the cavs one way or another




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