首頁 > 最新 > 超方便!現在你分享網址時,Chrome會幫你自動精簡雜亂網址鏈接




我們懷疑這個功能與谷歌早些時候開始支持的「 規範頁面 」網址有關,https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/139066?hl=en。我們在AMP頁面中看到了類似的功能,因此共享內容將共享一個可用的鏈接。儘管如此,一般的網址精簡似乎有點細微的區別。在Chrome v63或更低版本中無法使用該功能,但其在v64中可用。目前v64版本的Chrome是穩定版,其在12月至1月的時間段內還屬於測試版和開發版。

當你想手動複製網址以避免此功能時,可能會出現一些狀況。谷歌Chrome瀏覽器的網址精簡功能甚至會移除將網頁載入到特定位置的定位標記,例如,此銷售綜述(https://www.androidpolice.com/2018/02/19/app-sales-feb-19-2018/#Free)的「免費」部分。在Chrome v64或更高版本中分享它,Chrome只是載入頁面的頂部。這可能有點煩人,但是,通常情況下,這個功能可能會非常方便。


As you traverse the internet, you will often encounter URLs that have tracking or referral junk tacked on the end. You probably don"t want all that garbage included when you share a link, and Chrome recently started taking care of that for you. As of v64, the browser trims off unnecessary strings at the end of URLs.

The URL streamlining happens automatically when you use the Share menu in Chrome (but not Chrome Custom Tabs). You can copy to the clipboard or share directly to another app—no setup required. If you highlight the URL bar and select text manually, you can still get the full URL with all the junk at the end. You can test it yourself with this Amazon URL.

We suspect this feature is related to the "canonical page" URLs Google started supporting some time ago. We"ve seen similar features in AMP pages so that sharing the content would share a usable URL. The general URL streamlining seems subtly different, though. It doesn"t work in Chrome v63 or earlier, but it"s available in v64. That"s in the stable channel now, and it came to beta and dev in the December-January timeframe.

There could be situations when you want to manually copy URLs to avoid this feature. Chrome"s URL trimming will even remove anchor tags that load a page to a specific location, For example, the "Free" section of this sale roundup. Share that in Chrome v64 or higher, and it just loads the top of the page. That could be a bit annoying. More often than not, though, this feature is probably going to be incredibly handy.




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