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Florida shooting: Students stage "lie-in" to pressure White House on gun control



On a cold drizzly Washington winter public holiday, much of the city is partying. But a group of teenagers is taking on one of the most entrenched and powerful lobby groups in the US.

Seventeen of them lay on the cold wet ground outside the White House, symbolic of those slain in last week"s horrific Florida high school shooting.

Sixteen-year-old Whitney Bowen and her friend formed the group Teens for Gun Reform and organised the protest.

For their generation, any loud noise at a school could be a sign of something much darker than a teenage prank.

"You hear someone drop a book and you hear a loud noise and somewhere in the back of your mind as a 16-year-old hearing about these things you wonder, where"s the nearest exit? And do I need to be worried for my safety right now?" she says.

"Which is a horrible way to think but it"s the way our society has conditioned us to think."

Whitney brought an American flag and a denim jacket with her message about gun control painted on the back.

Many have tried for gun control before, only to run up against the cold hard realities of the NRA and the Second Amendment.

This generation is not fazed and are fired with determination from now, having almost 20 years of school shootings dating back to 1999.

"Enough is enough, we"ve had so many mass shooting just this year, I think its 18 and its only February," Hope says.

以上節選自ABC news。全文見鏈接。

來源:ABC news

作者:Conor Duffy




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