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In an interconnected era, we care most about how to connect with you

春節又至。這個古老而強韌的文化符號是一條溫暖的紐帶,把所有中國人聯結在一起。拜年!中國政府網的網友,祝你吉祥安康!As Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, approaches, we would like to extend our greetings and wish everyone a happy and healthy year!Spring Festival is an old and strong eduring cultural symbol, from ancient times to today"s internet age, a warm bond that connects all Chinese together.

血脈相通,文脈賡續,直到今天「互聯網+」時代。在這個萬物互聯的時代,我們最在意與你相聯。Now we are living in an interconnected era, and what we care most about is how to connect with you.

我們通過網站與你相聯,通過微博微信與你相聯,通過國務院客戶端與你相聯。你每一次點擊的累加,是我們最豐盛的收穫。你每一字詞的評價與建議,都激蕩我們創新的靈感。We connect with you via the Chinese government website, the micro blog, Wechat, and the State Council app. Every visit from you is our gain, and every comment or suggestion is our source of inspiration.

現在,我們與你有了更新、更緊密的關聯。2月6日,中國政府網和國務院客戶端「服務頻道」全新改版,政務服務總門戶1.0版上線。這意味著,你可以成為中國政府網的註冊用戶,擁有自己的專屬頁面,享受更便利的網上服務。立春之後兩天,剛咬過春,我們就邀你在「互聯網+政務服務」上嘗鮮。Now, we have forged an even closer connection. On Feb 6, the service channel of the Chinese-language website and State Council app were updated, which means you can become registered users of the Chinese government website,create a personal page, and enjoy more convenient e-government services.

中國政府網,不僅是政府「的」網,更是政府「在」網。因服務,故網在。目前,20個部門、31個省(區市)的198項便民服務已接入總門戶,我們把你的需求和政務服務連接起來,努力讓你享受服務就像「網購」一樣方便。進而倒逼打破信息孤島,助推建設人民滿意的服務型政府。We are dedicated to providing better online services. Currently, 198 service items from 20 State Council departments and 31 local governments can be found on the Chinese government website. We want to make the e-government service as convenient as shopping online.

因信息,故網在。2017年,中國政府網首發284份國字頭文件,發布71453條政務信息。作為政務公開第一平台,我們致力於讓你第一時間了解國務院的信息,我們用你更喜歡更習慣的方式解讀文件,我們也在打造更全更好的政策查詢庫。We exert our greatest efforts in releasing infromation in a timely manner. In 2017, the Chinese government website released 284 central government documents and 71453 updates. We are trying to offer you the latest State Council information, explain those documents in a way you can understand, and make it easier for you to search any policy.

因互動,故網在。2017年,你在中國政府網上留下1163208條實名留言。每一條,我們都認真對待,精心整理報送。因為我們深知,與你相聯,就是與民生冷暖相聯,「民之所望施政所向」絕非一句虛言。與你相聯,就是與民意和民智相聯,暢通我們這個網上通道,讓問計於民成為可能,讓下情上達不再淤塞,讓政府工作從真實訴求中發現不足、在熱切期盼中增添能量。We value communication with our netizens. Last year, the Chinese government website received more than 1.16 million messages with real names. We are careful in dealing with each one of them, because we know that they represent public concerns and public wisdom, which can make the government understand what else should be done.

「互聯網+」,我們最希望「+你」。萬物互聯時代,我們最在意與你相聯。中國政府網的所思所行,以你為中心。In an age of internet of everything, we care most about connecting with you. You are at the center of our thoughts and deeds.

春節這個喜慶時刻,我們一如既往在你身邊,在你眼前的屏幕,在你手上的終端。祝福你,每一個與我們相聯的網友!In this season of joy, we are as always at your side, whether on your computer screen or the mobile app. So, once more, best wishes to you!



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