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劍10Test 1 Passage 1

1. But perhaps the most impressive features are theintricate decorative sculptures that embellish many stepwells, showingactivities from fighting and dancing to everyday acts such as women combingtheir hair or churning butter.



譯文: 但也許最令人印象深刻的特性是那些階梯井上裝飾的複雜多樣的雕塑,這些雕塑展示了從戰鬥跳舞到日常生活的諸多方面,比如女人梳頭或攪拌黃油。

2. It actually resembles a tank (kund means reservoir or pond) rather than awell, but displays the hallmarks of stepwell architecture, including four sidesof steps that descend to the bottom in a stunning geometrical formation.





3. Tourists flock to wells in far-flung corners of north-western India to gazein wonder at these architectural marvels from hundreds of years ago, whichserve as a reminder of both the ingenuity and artistry of ancient civilisationsand of the value of water to human existence.

far-flung (adj.遙遠的,廣泛的)



劍10Test 1 Passage 2

1. Thisphenomenon has been emphasised by the relocation of some industries,particularly those which are labour intensive, to reduce production costs, eventhough the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometres awayfrom the final assembly plant or away from users. (劍10 test 1 Passage2)



2.Accordingto the latest estimates, if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growthtrend, CO2 emissions from transport can be expected to increase by around 50%to 1,113 billion tonnes by 2020,compared withthe 739 billion tonnes recorded in 1990.

譯文:根據最新的估計,如果不採取措施扭轉交通增長趨勢,交通運輸排放的二氧化碳排放量,與1990年的7390 7390億噸的記錄相比,可以預計將增加約50%,直到2020年達到1.113萬億噸。

3. Itis far more ambitious than it looks, bearing in mind the historical imbalancein favour of roads for the last fifty years, but would achieve a marked breakin the link between road transport growth and economic growth, without placingrestrictions on the mobility of people and goods.


劍10Test 1 Passage 3

1. Managersshould therefore adopt an approach that appears counter-intuitive一they should explain what stands to be lost if the companyfails to seize a particular opportunity.



2.Thisenvironment encouraged a free interchange of ideas,which led to more creativity with form, function,colour and materials that revolutionised attitudes to furniture design.

譯文: 這個環境鼓勵自由交換想法,導致更多的創意形式,功能,色彩和材料的產生。這些創意徹底改變了傢具設計的態度。

3.Leadersshould encourage everyone to contribute and simultaneously assure all concernedthat every recommendation is important to making the right decision and will begiven full attention.

譯文:領導人應該鼓勵每個人都做出貢獻, 同時保證每一個建議對於做出重要決定都是重要的,並且對它們會給予充分的重視。

劍10Test2 Passage 1

Tea and Industrial Revolution茶與工業革命

1. Theantiseptic properties of tannin, the active ingredient in tea, and of hops inbeer –plus the fact that both are made with boiled water – allowed urbancommunities to flourish at close quarters without succumbing to water – bornediseases such as dysentery.


2.Macfarlanenotes that even though 17th century Japan had large cities, high literacyrates, even a futures market, it had turned its back on the essence of anywork-based revolution by giving up labor-saving devices such as animals, afraidthat they would put people out of work.


3. Macfarlaneguessed that the fact that water had to be boiled, together with thestomach-purifying properties of tea meant that the breast milk provided bymothers was healthier than it had ever been.


劍10Test 2 Passage 2

Gifted children and learning天才兒童與學習

1.Because IQ tests are decidedly influenced bywhat the child has learned, they are to some extent measures of currentachievement based on age-norms; that is, how well the children have learned tomanipulate their knowledge and know-how within the terms of the test.


2.Given that a fundamental goal of education isto transfer the control of learning from teachers to pupils, improving pupils』learning to learn techniques should be a major outcome of the school experience,especially for the highly competent.


3. Research with creative scientists by Simonton(1988) brought him to the conclusion that above a certain high level,characteristics such as independence seemed to contribute more to reaching thehighest level of expertise than intellectual skills, due to the great demandsof effort and time needed for learning and practice.


劍10Test2 Passage 3

Museums of fine art and theirpublic藝術博物館及其受眾

1. And today the task of reproducing pictures isincomparably more simple and reliable, with reprographic techniques that allowthe production of high-quality prints made exactly to the original scale, withfaithful colour values, and even with duplication of the surface relief of thepainting.


2. Furthermore, consideration of the value of theoriginal work in its treasure house setting impresses upon the viewer that,since these works were originally produced, they have been assigned a hugemonetary value by some person or institution more powerful than themselves.


3. If appropriate works of fine art could berendered permanently accessible to the public by means of high-fidelityreproductions, as literature and music already are, the public may feelsomewhat less in awe of them.


劍10Test3 Passage 1

The Context, Meaning andScope of Tourism旅遊業的背景、意義與範疇


primitive a.原始的

motivation n.刺激,鼓舞

vital a.重要的

civilisation n.文明

economy n.經濟


distinctly adv.明顯地,顯著地

phenomenon n.現象

advent n.出現

connotation n.內涵,暗示

revolution n.革命

availability n.有益,可獲得的東西

commercial a.商業的


industrialised a.工業化的

employment n.就業

estimate v.估計

investment n.投資

excess n.超過

profound a.深遠的


obscure v.使...模糊

diversity n.多樣性

fragmentation n.碎片

accommodation n.住宿

remain v.保持

amorphous a.無形的,混亂的


exclusive a.專用的

institionalised a.制度化的

commodity n.商品

income n.收入

quote v.引用

valid a.有效的

domestic a.國內的

1. Once theexclusive province of the wealthy, travel and tourism have become aninstitutionalised way of life for most of the population.


2.According tothe World Travel and Tourism Council (1992), 『Travel and tourism is the largestindustry in the world on virtually any economic measure including value-addedcapital investment, employment and tax contributions』.


3. In addition,Hawkins and Ritchie, quoting from data published by the American ExpressCompany, suggesting that the travel and tourism industry is the number oneranked employer in the Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, France, (the former) WestGermany, Hong Kong, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Singapore.


劍10Test3 Passage 2Autumnleaves秋天的葉子


captivating a.迷人的,有魅力的

magnificent a.華麗的


chlorophyll n.葉綠素

molecule n.分子

hemisphere n.半球

evergreen a.常綠的

conifer n.針葉林

photosynthesis n.光合作用

redundant a.多餘的

precious a.珍貴的

dismantle v.拆除

valuable a.有價值的

nitrogen n.氮

unmask a.揭露

maple n.楓樹

sumac n.漆樹


anthocyanin n.花青素

spectrum n.光譜

flavonoid n.黃酮類

mint v.鑄造


tolerance n.容忍

outweigh v.超過

anti-herbivore a.抗蚜的

Anti-fungal a.抗菌的


insect n.害蟲

robust a.強健的

defense n.防衛

duller a.獃滯的


paradox n.悖論

supreme a.最高的

pigment n.色素

salvage v.搶救


exquisite a.精緻的

overwhelm v.淹沒,壓倒

nutrient a.營養的

deficiency n.缺陷

oversensitivity n.過敏

vulnerable a.易受傷害的


suspect v.懷疑

clue n.線索


spectacular a.壯觀的

1. Some theories about anthocyanins have arguedthat they might act as a chemical defence against attacks by insects or fungi,or that they might attract fruit-eating birds or increase a leaf』s tolerance tofreezing.

2. However, there are problems with each of thesetheories, including the fact that leaves are red for such a relatively short periodthat the expense of energy needed to manufacture the anthocyanins wouldoutweigh any anti-fungal or anti-herbivore activity achieved.

劍10Test3 Passage 3Beyond the blue horizon超越藍色地平線


archaeological adj.考古學的

seafaring adj.航海的

ancestor n.祖先

plantation n.種植園

derelict adj.廢棄了的

cemetery n.墓地、公墓

scrape v.刮、擦

remain(s) n.殘骸


pioneer n.先鋒

livestock n.家畜

rove v.流浪

stretch v.伸展、展開、延伸


clue n.線索

burial urn n.骨灰瓮

uncover v.發現

conclusively adv.令人信服地、確鑿地

identify v.識別


puzzling adj.傷腦筋的

anthropology n.人類學

migration n.遷徙

represent v.代表

descendant n.後代、後裔


stubborn adj.頑固的、棘手的

equivalent adj.與……相當的、相等的

canoes n.獨木舟

rigging n.繩索、裝備

oral adj.口頭的、口述的

insight n.洞悉


mariner n.海員

archipelago n.群島

horizon n.地平線

distinguish v.區分、區別


thrust n.猛衝、推力

prevailing adj.主要的、盛行的

nagging adj.挑剔的、使人不得安寧的

swift adj.迅速的

detect v.查明、發覺到

twig n.細樹枝

indicate v.象徵、暗示


overshooting n.言過其實

intervisible adj.可通視的

backstop n.增援


presuppose v.預設、預先假定

prehistory n.史前時期


El Ni?o n.厄爾尼諾現象

disruption n.分裂、瓦解

scatter v.散布、散播

coral n.珊瑚、珊瑚礁

expansion n.擴張

reverse v.使……反轉


quit v.離開、放棄

thinly adv.稀疏地、勉強地

venture v.冒險、前進

emptiness n.空白、空虛

encounter v.遇見、邂逅

1. Nor do the oral histories and traditions oflater Polynesians offer any insights, for they turn into myths long before theyreach as far back in time as the Lapita.


2.Once out there, skilled seafarers would havedetected abundant leads to follow to land: seabirds, coconuts and twigs carriedout to sea by the tides, and the afternoon pile-up of clouds on the horizonwhich often indicates an island in the distance.


3. By reversing the regular east-to-west flow of thetrade winds for weeks at a time, these super EI Ninos might have taken theLapita on long unplanned voyages.


劍10Test 4 Passage 1

The megafires of California加州超級大火

1.One explanation for thetrend to more superhot fires is that the region, which usually has dry summers,has had significantly below normal precipitation in many recent years.


2.There is a sense among bothgovernment officials and residents that the speed, dedication, and coordinatorof firefighters from several states and jurisdictions are resulting in greaterefficiency than in past siege fire situations.


3.Notwithstanding all thedamage that will continue to be caused by wildfires, we will no longer sufferthe loss of life endured in the pat because of the fire prevention andfirefighting measures that have been put in place, he says.


劍10Test 4 Passage 2

Second nature第二天性

1.The new manager wasintimidating staff so Pedleose carefully recorded each instance of bullying andeventually took the evidence to a senior director, knowing his own job securitywould be threatened.


2.On campus, he quickly foundthat beyond ordinary counselling, the university had no services for studentswho were undergoing physical rehabilitation and suffering from depression likehim.


3. Many of her students saidthat faced with a risky situation, they first tried to calm themselves down,then looked for a way to mitigate the danger, just as Pedeleose did bydocumenting his allegations.


劍10Test 4 Passage 3

When evolution runs backwards當進化向後退的時候

1.Evolution isn』t supposed torun backwards – yet an increasing number of examples show that it does and thatit can sometimes represent the future of aa species.


2.The word has uglyconnotations thanks largely to Cesare Lombroso, a 19thcentury Italianmedic who argued that criminals were born not made and could be identified bycertain physical features that were throwbacks to a primitive, sub-human state.

譯文:這個詞的暗示含義很不好,這在很大程度上要拜一位19世紀的義大利醫生Cesare Lombroso所賜,他認為犯罪在出生的時候就並未發育完整,可以通過某些生理特徵來辨認他們,而這些特徵就是向原始的、低於人類級別狀態的退化。

3.One possibility is that thesetraits are lost and then simply reappear, in much the same way that similarstructures can independently arise in unrelated species, such as the dorsalfins of sharks and killer whales.




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