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Everything Is Connected exhibition presents work of young Norwegian designers



「一切均有聯繫」陸續出現在去年的挪威設計的結構展覽,今年 Ventura Lambrate區也將陸續展出一些作品。

An exhibition exploring the journey from maker to market in Norway is set to take place during this year"s Milan design week.

Everything Is Connected follows on from last year"s Structure exhibition of Norwegian design, and will similarly take place in the Ventura Lambrate district.

今年,展會由設計師和室內設計師Katrin Greiling策劃,他們想展示從製造商到市場的旅程。


This year, the show has been curated by designer and interior architect Katrin Greiling, who wanted to showcase the journey from maker to market.

She has chosen 30 of Norway"s celebrated and up-and-coming designers, who will each present new homewares, furniture, lighting, textiles, ceramics and sculptures.




"I want to highlight the importance of dialogue between craftspeople, designers and industry and explore how this conversation could be fed," said Greiling.

"Skills should be embraced and carried on, translated into a contemporary language. My hopes are that visitors can understand design within its context, reflecting on the importance of the choices they make as consumers."

Here are 10 of the designers we"re most looking forward to seeing:

Photography is by Lasse Fl?de and Andrea Murib?

AndreaMurib? - 核心組合



Andrea Murib? – Core Combination

Murib? trained at Oslo National Academy of Arts, and now specialises in using organic materials to create jewellery pieces.

The three pieces she is exhibiting – named Strange Fruit, Queen of Reindeer and The Snake – are made from a combination of moose bone, reindeer horn and slate.

Andreas Bergsaker – Aase化妝鏡

Andreas Bergsaker在效力于丹麥Hay品牌公司的同時將自己的實踐與工作結合。這次,他將展示一個由三條纖細的鋼腿組成雙面化妝鏡。

Andreas Bergsaker – Aase

Andreas Bergsaker, who also works for Danish brand Hay alongside his own practice, will present a double-sided vanity mirror that is set upon three slim steel legs.

Bj?rnvan den Berg - 鍍鋅板櫥櫃

Bj?rnvan den Berg於2014年畢業於奧斯陸和阿克斯胡斯大學學院,在去年的結構展覽上展示了他的落地燈。今年,設計師將帶來一個壁掛鍍鋅鋁櫃,結合戶外產品的材料與典型的室內產品的功能。

Bj?rn van den Berg – Sheet Cabinet

Bj?rn van den Berg graduated from Oslo and Akershus University College in 2014, and at last year"s Structure exhibition presented his Aerial floor lamp. This year, the designer will be bringing a wall-mounted galvanised aluminium cabinet that combines the materials of outdoor products with the function of a typically indoor product.

Falke Svatun——Chanterelle燈具

Falke Svatun在去年的展覽會上與Bj?rnvan den Berg一起展出作品,這次重返米蘭,帶來一個名為Chanterelle的雕塑燈光項目,包括兩個鋼製燈具系列。

Falke Svatun – Chanterelle

Falke Svatun, who presented work alongside Bj?rn van den Berg at last year"s exhibition, returns to Milan with a sculptural lighting project named Chanterelle that comprises a family of two steel lamps.

Jenkins & Uhnger – Tangent燈具

工匠Sverre Uhnger與英國設計師Thomas Jenkins合作,創造了一系列名為Tangent的燈,這些燈由細長的鋼棒和LED條組成。

Jenkins & Uhnger – Tangent

Sverre Uhnger, a craftsman, has collaborated with British designer Thomas Jenkins to create a series of lamps named Tangent that are made up of slim steel rods and strips of LEDs.

Jonas Stokke ——Tj?me餐椅

Jonas Stokke是奧斯陸設計工作室StokkeAustad的聯合創始人,此前曾在Tupperware,Vitra,Cisco,Dagbladet和Scandinavian商務座椅部門工作過。然而,Everything Is Connected是他作為個人設計師的第一個展覽,本次作品的靈感來自於可摺疊花園傢具形式和結構。

Jonas Stokke – Tj?me

Jonas Stokke is the co-founder of Oslo design studio StokkeAustad and has previously worked for Tupperware, Vitra, Cisco, Dagbladet and Scandinavian Business Seating. However, Everything Is Connected is his first exhibition as an individual designer, and he will present a dining chair inspired by the form and structure of collapsible garden furniture.

Kaja Dahl——挪威語錄

Kaja Dahl的工作範圍從工業傢具到概念雕塑。對於展覽,她將展示一系列名為挪威語的香水對象,包括懸掛式擴散器,桌面雕塑和測試瓶。

Kaja Dahl – Norwegian Notes

Kaja Dahl"s work ranges from industrial furniture to conceptual sculpture. For the exhibition, she will present a collection of perfumed objects named Norwegian Notes, including hanging diffusers, tabletop sculptures and tester bottles.

Live Berg Olsen——超級正常傢具展

Live Berg Olsen將展示她的超級正常傢具系統,由實心橡木和拋光鋼製成。設計用於平面包裝分配和免工具組裝,適應元件包括椅子,梳妝台和用亞麻籽油著色黑色的桌子單元。

Live Berg Olsen – Super Normal

Live Berg Olsen will show her Super Normal furniture system made from solid oak and burnished steel. Designed for flat-pack distribution and tool-free assembly, the adaptable pieces include a chair, dresser and table unit coloured black with linseed oil.

Moa H?kansson – Tr?ngd陶瓷


Moa H?kansson – Tr?ngd

Oslo-based maker Moa H?kansson will present the results of an investigation into how the objects we surround ourselves with reflect our personalities. The Tr?ngd collection of ceramic objects is intended to spark a discussion about the meaning of an object when its function is taken away.

Photography is by Lasse Fl?de and Sara Polmar

Sara Polmar——火柴盒

Sara Polmar的Matchbox系列改變了經典紙板對象的原型形式和機制,並將其變成功能存儲系統。每個火柴盒包括一個染色的灰木盒,有一個可以滑過頂部的摺疊鋼套。


Sara Polmar – Matchbox

Sara Polmar"s Matchbox collection transforms the archetypal form and mechanism of the classic cardboard object and turns it into a functional storage system. Each Matchbox comprises a stained ash-wood box with a folded steel sleeve that can be slid over the top.

Photography is by Lasse Fl?de.



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