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姓名:Peter Dean










√Universityof Virginia



√WakeForest University

√Washingtonand Lee University

√Wheaton College(IL)


Common Application:Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, or risk that you have taken and its impact on you.

No underarm hair, no facial hair, baby fat, and a mouthfulof baby teeth is how I spent my first two years at James Madison High School.In the middle of my sophomore year, when most of my peers and begun shaving, Iwas getting the last of my baby teeth removed, because at age 16, I had 「themouth of a 12 year old,」 my dentist told me.

My older brother was big, strong, mature, and only a yearahead of me. Therefore, I was continuously asked, 「what happened to you?」 I alwaystried to answer the question optimistically-as I tried to do with the question,「do you shave your legs?」 After long anticipation, Mr. Puberty finally arrived atthe end of my sophomore year. Since that time I have grown at least eightinches, lost my baby fat, gained some underarm hair, and become the startingquarterback on the Varsity football team. Starting my senior year I can nowlook back and appreciate the lessons I learned before puberty, and I am gladthat puberty did take so long.

Delayed puberty helped build my character. It taught me a lotabout humility. In the halls during my freshman and sophomore years I wasalways looking up to, or being pushed around by, everyone. Now that I am biggerthan most of my peers, I do not feel that I am better than they are. Lackingappearance, size and strength I was also forced to develop other charactertraits such as friendliness, a sense of humor, and kindness to attractfriends-especially those of the opposite sex.

Delayed puberty eliminates many worries that usually areassociated with entering high school. In the morning I did not need to shave,because the peach fuzz was still sparse. I did not worry about my wisdom teethhaving to come out, because I had just lost all my baby teeth. I did not needto worry about braces, because I was on pace to get them in graduate school. Idid not have to worry about any girl problems, because I learned fromexperience that girls are not interested in guys that remind them of theiryounger brothers.

Delayed puberty also postponed and shortened my adolescentconflicts with my parents. Of course, I have tormented my parents with pettyarguments about use the car and curfew. However, my adolescence has beenefficient. My brother tortured them for four full years, but I achieved the sameresults in a few short months.

As I look back on my pre-puberty days there are many reasonswhy I am glad Mr. Puberty visited me late. I realize that there is no way tocontrol when he comes, but if he ever chooses to visit you later than yourpeers you should be thankful. Even though you might spend a few years on the 「short」end of jokes, in the end it will only make you better.



趕早諮詢【全一線教師申請團隊 真正的一站式服務】:




沒有固定的辦公地點 因為我們知道效率第一 所以我們貼身陪伴

沒有固定的工作時間 因為我們知道效率第一 所以我們時刻相隨

沒有固定的服務模式 因為我們知道效率第一 所以我們量身打造



尹夢琮老師從事留學教育6年,曾任北京新東方北美精英計劃規劃師、項目專員、常青藤計劃運營負責人。為來自全國各地以及在美國就讀的學員提供長線學術培訓和申請服務,了解學生在留學路上需要經歷的每一步。教授TOEFL寫作、SAT寫作、ACT寫作,連續3年教出SAT寫作滿分的學員。講授方式活潑自然,富於感染力,教學內容細緻實用,條例清晰,把自己的寫作滿分傳遞給每一位學生。2016年開始在考滿分熟悉線上授課方式,通過直播方式教授千餘學員的TOEFL寫作課程,為學生的備考提供省時高效的幫助。期間,長期維護答疑微信群,時時了解和追蹤學員的備考進度,提供合理的備考規劃。每次TOEFL出分,班裡的寫作平均分不低於24,其中27分以上學員佔21%。由於自己堅實的寫作基礎,為學員申請文書的寫作工作提供了高質量的保障。目前, 已經有六屆學生畢業並順利考入美國大學,其中90%的學員進入了美國前50的大學。

范雯靜老師2008-2017年供職於新東方,曾任北京新東方北美精英計劃主管、常青藤計劃規劃師,負責北美本科生精英計劃全體教師的招聘,培訓,晉陞。為來自全國各地以及在美國就讀的學員提供長線學術培訓和申請服務。教授TOEFL閱讀、SAT閱讀、ACT閱讀。授課邏輯清晰,要求嚴格。2015屆所帶常青藤計劃學員閱讀平均分723,其中滿分800的學員3人; 2016屆所帶學員閱讀平均分又較上屆有將近20分的躍升。 2017屆ACT首考總分30以上學生比例53%。2017屆學生ACT閱讀平均分28.35,托福滿分考生案例不勝枚舉。美國生活經歷,自駕超2萬公里遊歷超過50所美加名校,多年積累的前期培訓、後期申請以及美國生活經驗確保了以起點零基礎為主體的學生的最終錄取結果覆蓋美國前三十頂尖大學近90%。



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