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由Stettler Design事務所設計的西雅圖紅色窗框尖角住宅

Red window frames accent angular Seattle house by Stettler Design


西雅圖的公司Stettler Design事務所和Paul Michael Davis建築事務所使用明亮出挑的紅色窗框用於裝飾這個尖角住宅。

Seattle firms Stettler Design and Paul Michael Davis Architects have used bright pops of colour to frame glazing at this pointy home.

Burke Gilman住宅位於華盛頓,靠近一家自行車銷售點,建築所處的地勢平坦,視野開闊,景色宜人。「房屋的設計很好地利用了周圍湖泊、城市和西南山脈的景色。」Stettler Design事務所負責人介紹。

The Burke Gilman House sits close to a bike trail of the same name in the Washington city, on a spacious plot with impressive views. "The design takes advantage of the width of a double lot and views of the lake, city and mountains toward the southwest," said Stettler Design.

Stettler Design工作室與Paul Michael Davis建築師事務所合作設計,房子的屋頂傾斜,從而形成兩個方位,建築的前部稍高,緩緩向後部傾斜。

The studio worked with Paul Michael Davis Architects to design the home, which has an angular roof split into two portions. The front of the house is much higher, and the form steps down towards the back.


Cladding across the exterior is mostly grey, but bright red window frames provide a stark contrast and enliven the facades.

建築師使用了大面積的落地窗,設計的亮點在於尖角部分所形成的通高迴廊,以及後面的主要居住區域。在建築內部也可以看到鮮艷的窗框, 色彩豐富的自然光還會由玻璃折射到白色的牆壁上。

Glazing forms large sections of the ground floor walls, most prominently around a double-height foyer at the highest part of the angular building, and main living area at the back. The colourful window casings are also visible inside the house, where the plentiful natural light is reflected off white walls.

該住宅為一對計劃在此安度晚年的夫婦所設計。Stettler Design事務所說:「主要的生活和睡眠區位於底層,減少了居住者的活動範圍。」

The home"s layout was designed for an active couple who plan to grow old there. "Primary living and sleeping areas are located on the ground floor, allowing for the owners to stay in the house as their mobility decreases," said Stettler Design.



A master bedroom with en-suite is located off the entryway, which also leads to the open-plan living space in the wider rear section of the house.

The upstairs only occupies the building"s front half, and accommodates a further bed and bath, as well as a lofted space with a large corner window overlooking the mountains and bike trail.


圖片:Dale Lang(不包括文中已註明來源的圖片)

Extra storage space is provided by a basement, and a detached garage separated from the home by a small courtyard.

Photography is by Dale Lang, unless otherwise stated.









項目團隊:Dan Stettler, Will Payne – lead designers, Stettler Design

合作建築師:Paul Michael Davis, Paul Michael Davis Architects

結構工程設計:Karl Rosman – project engineer, Swenson Say Faget

承包商:Dick McDonald

項目經理:Odyssey Construction

Project credits:

Project team: Dan Stettler, Will Payne – lead designers, Stettler Design

Collaborating architect: Paul Michael Davis, Paul Michael Davis Architects

Structural Engineer: Karl Rosman – project engineer, Swenson Say Faget

Contractor: Dick McDonald – project manager, Odyssey Construction



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