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所以我又想著去美國闖闖。我申請了一種引進特殊人才的簽證,叫extraordinary talent visa,花了我6,000刀。申請程序像本書那麼厚。我必須提交十封推薦信,以證明我『特殊』。那簡直就是個騙局,實際上根本就沒有人關心我特不特殊,也沒有一家電視台會給這種簽證的人試鏡的機會,每個人都想看到一張綠卡。



「I』m artistically brokenhearted. I wanted to be a screen actor. I wanted to change the world through my sensitivity. But it was a very closed system in Italy. There are only like five movies per year. And there aren』t exactly auditions. You must be friends with the director to get a role.

So I tried going to Britain. And that almost destroyed me. I was always cast as a foreigner. Usually I was a Mafioso, but I played all types of foreigners. I』ve been a Spanish waiter, a Turkish waiter, and a French waiter. And they were always making me wear a mustache.

So I tried for America. I applied for an 『extraordinary talent visa.』 It cost me $6,000. The application was the size of a book. I had to submit ten letters of recommendation to prove that I was extraordinary. What a scam that was. Nobody cares that I』m extraordinary. None of the television stations will audition people with this visa. Everyone wants to see a green card.

I can only work on small productions. But things have gotten a little better. I』m getting some minor roles. I』m still playing gangsters. But sometimes I』m the funny gangster. Or the gangster with some sense.

My next role is a scientist who turns into a zombie. In the movie, every stranger appears to be a zombie. But nobody is really a zombie. Strangers just seem like zombies. So, hey, there』s a moral message there.」


Humans of New York是紐約攝影師Brandon Stanton開創的街頭攝影計劃,他每天在紐約的街頭尋找普通的紐約人,請他們講述自己的生活和感悟,簡單的幾句話里常常有讓人會心一笑或者擊中人心的力量。

在Humans of New York的激勵下,世界上很多城市都有人開始了類似的攝影項目,其中也包括不少中國城市。我們也會從中選擇部分有意思的故事不定期發布。



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《美才是生命的救贖》之 二

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