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經過四位專業評審的層層甄選,並結合大眾評審的最終投票結果,2017「Shade-Scape 涼辰美景」遮陽傘面設計競賽第二季最終三強正式揭曉!第二季競賽,在挑戰升級的同時,我們也欣喜的看到了選手們的創意升級。在上一輪公布的作品中,入圍作品包羅萬象的靈感來源與別具一格的表現方式再次點燃了競賽的熱度。此次三強神秘面紗終於被揭開,快來看看大咖評委們對這些作品分別都有什麼樣的評價吧。

Professional assessments from four seasoned jurors combined with public voting results led to the Top 3 of the Young Bird Plan 「Shade-Scape」 Sunshade Pattern Design Competition 2017 Season2. Although this competition issued a more difficult challenge, we get huge pleasure from receiving various creative entries. These works contain a kaleidoscope of inspirations and are displayed in individual styles, making the whole event more fierce and competitive. The Top 3 finalists are unveiled below, let』s see what comments our jurors have made on these works.


Interdisciplinary Jury, Academic Consultant



These works are listed in the chronological order that we received contestants" materials.

Young Bird Plan 2017「Shade-scape 涼辰美景」遮陽傘面設計競賽第二季3強作品:

The Top 3 works from theYoung Bird Plan"Shade-scape" Sunshade Pattern Design Competition 2017 Season2:

1. 平行線/Parallels

報名號/Registration No.:YBP133520


Ju Bin:Strong colors adopted by designer vitalize the simple lines. The whole pattern is harmoniously integrated.


Luo Lei:This design boasts a harmonious combination of colours and lines, and the outcome is really at a high level.


GregVoorhis:The mix of the parallel lines and colors make this a great design. It has a great look of texture and will visual pleasing from a distance as well as close up and underneath. I can also see this in many different colors that would be an added value for an umbrella manufacturer.


Isa Ye:This design is a clever and creative play of lines which are the most common design elements. It is futuristic and very suitable for busy cities.


Design Description


Staying at China for a few years now as an Expat, the one thing I have been observing a lot around me, are the high raised buildings. They all follow a similar design language and have a very rigid structure.Watching such beautiful architecture of these buildings, I noticed one thing tobe the most prominent character-「Lines」, which gives a beautiful identity to these buildings. Understanding the role of these lines, the idea of 「Parallel」 inspired me the most.


Now, while working on the pattern, lines play a vital role in order to have a minimalistic and futuristic approach for the pattern. We see lines everywhere, from using a toothbrush to sleeping inside our own house. Yet when the same lines are depicted in different ways with the introduction of vibrant colors, curves and layering. Repeating the same motif again and again, made them follow each other in a never ending cycle.


The use of color combination Red and Blue makes is Unique from the point of view, it captures the user』s attention. Red is a very emotionally intense color and brings out images to the foreground.The intention to use red is to bring out more energy and attract the users towards the product. Whereas, color blue is considered to be beneficial to the mind and body.


One needs to aim towards the user interaction with the products. In today』s busy life, where people barely have time to spend with themselves or with their loved ones, wanted to adopt an approach in such a way that the pattern would look more vibrant and cheerful to them. The pattern on the umbrellas can attract people to come closer, leave their homes, start a conversation with each other and enjoy the aura under this umbrella.


Designer Profile

Sanjukta Das/平面設計師

Sanjukta Das, Graphic Designer

Educational background:

2010-2013 印度國立設計學院 生活配飾設計研究生

2006-2010 印度浦那設計學院 產品設計本科生

2010-2013 Post Graduate Diploma in Lifestyle Accessory Design (National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, INDIA)

2006-2010 Bachelor in Product Design (SymbiosisInstitute of Design, Pune, INDIA)

Practice of design:

2016.5-至今 自由職業 平面設計師/插畫師

2016.4-2016.5 初級設計師

2014.1-2016.1 產品概念設計師

2016.5-Now Freelance Graphic Designer/Illustrator

2016.4-2016.5 Junior Designer

2014.1-2016.1 Product Design Conceptualizer


「Learning and understanding the form and styling of any product, making it aesthetically beautiful and user friendly. To understand various materials and exploring new ways to potray it. Loving travelling and exploring different possibilities in different fields of design.」

2. 中國亭/Chinese Pavilion

報名號/Registration No.:YBP763893


Ju Bin: Itscompleteness, diversity and unique classical components are impressive.


Luo Lei:This work features special design elements which display distinctive whole effects in differentsettings.


Greg Voorhis:This fantastic but simple design uses the simplicity of a stripe but with the brilliant use of color transitions it gives it a great textured feel of a traditional tile droof. It will also fit into any umbrellas pattern specifications.


Isa Ye:Tile is one typical elements of Chinese classical architecture. Designer infuses it into pattern design, giving users the idea of being in a classical garden.


Design Description


Chinese pavilion is the most characteristic structure in Chinese traditional garden. Chinese pavilion has many shapes on top,there are quadrangle, hexagonal, octagonal, round and other shapes. It brings interests and functions at the same time. The idea of textile comes from Chinese tiles on traditional roof. The sunshade with this textile looks like a Chinese pavilion.


Designer Profile


Wan Ye,Architect

Educational background:

2003.9-2006.3 同濟大學 建築專業 研究生

1997.9-2002.9 西安建築科技大學 建築專業 本科

2003.9-2006.3 Architecture Diploma (Master』s Degree), TongJi University

1997.9-2002.9 Architecture Diploma (Bachelor』s Degree), XiAn University

Practice of design:

2011.4-至今 上海翼萬建築設計有限公司 總建築師

2006.10-2011.4 五合國際(上海)設計部門經理

2006.3-2006.10上海三益建築設計有限公司 建築師

2011.04-present wiwan Architecture Design(self employed)

2006.10-2011.4 Manager of Design Department in 「Werkhart International」 in Shanghai

2006.03-2006.10 Architect in 「Sunyat Architectural Design Studio」 in Shanghai


"My unremitting efforts are put in my design career, and my work needs to be unconsciously convenient for users, and has appealing appearance.」

3. 綠意幾何/Green Geometry



Ju Bin:It isa soft mix of nature elements andgreen, bringing people a relaxed and fresh sense of summer.


Luo Lei: It has utilized a modern design skill and looksgreat.


Greg Voorhis:Excellent Design! I love the way the same concept of design fit both the octagonal and square umbrellas. It is a great translation from soft nature to a hard line geometric.This design will fit into many settings that include both commercial and residential.


Isa Ye:Very practical. The green pattern is composed by delightful plants, and its details show designer』s meticulousness.


Design Description


The inspiration of this design is derived from nature, from green plants. Shapes of rectangle, round, triangle combined with the unit of sunshade form this snowflake pattern. Bathed in the sunshine,its shadow will make people feel fresh and cool. Surrounded by green, and asense of summer, users are shielded against urban life and return to nature.


The refined geometric pattern fits into three different sunshade specifications, optimizes the production cost, and improves the accuracy during cutting and collage process.


By using cool colors like green and white,this pattern will bring some fresh feelings for people in summer. Verdant plants can be found everywhere in our daily life. The combination of geometric pattern and the greening of public spaces displays the artistry of sunshades,and encourages people go out of room and enjoy outside world.


Designer Profile

蘇海帥 / 學生

Su Haishuang, Student

Educational background:

2015 四川美術學院視覺傳達平面設計專業 在讀

2015 Sichuan academy of fine arts visual communication graphic design major in the third year

Practice of design:

2016 組建設計工作室,參與包括創意包裝設計、商業插畫設計、平面招貼設計、公益廣告(視頻)設計、商業綜合體設計等多個設計領域項目。設計作品曾獲得多項設計獎項。

2016Started a design studio with senior and participated in several projects in the field of design. It can be divided into creative packaging design, commercial illustration design, graphic poster design, public service advertising (video) design, and some commercial complex design projects. At the same time, some of the studio works participated in and won some design awards.


Congratulations to the Top 3finalists!


The Champion are set to be announced soon,

Please stay tuned!




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