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《中國科學:技術科學》英文專題:Digital Image Correlation

SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences

(《中國科學:技術科學》英文版)2018年第1期組織出版了「Digital Image Correlation」(數字圖像相關方法)專題。

數字圖像相關方法(Digital Image Correlation, DIC)是實驗固體力學領域原創的、具深遠影響的光測力學方法,該方法可對材料和結構在各種載荷作用下的表面和內部全場變形進行非接觸、高精度測量。其操作簡便性、使用靈活性已使其在固體力學領域獲得了普及應用,近年來在其他科研領域和眾多工程實際中日益廣泛的應用更展示了該方法的廣泛實用性和蓬勃生命力。

在廣泛應用的同時,數字圖像相關方法研究也吸引了眾多實驗力學科研人員的投入,從測量系統、演算法原理和實現、技術細節和誤差分析等不同角度對該方法進行深入研究,從而提升其性能、深化認識。本期「Digital Image Correlation」專題彙集了在該領域非常活躍的7位華人學者課題組的最新研究成果,包括2篇綜述,5篇研究論文。

北京航空航天大學潘兵教授的綜述全面總結了各種單相機三維數字圖像相關方法(single-camera stereo-DIC)的發展歷程、基本原理、最新進展和優缺點;University of Texas at Dallas胡振興博士的綜述詳細介紹了熒光數字圖像相關技術的技術細節和實現過程,並展示了該技術在生物薄膜微尺度變形上的應用;清華大學謝惠民教授提出了一種基於雙稜鏡折射的長工作距離單相機三維數字圖像相關方法,並將其用於陶瓷試樣的超高溫變形測量;東南大學何小元教授建立了一種基於四平面鏡反射的攜帶型單相機三維數字圖像相關測量系統,並用鋁板中心載入和四點彎曲試驗證明了該方法的實用性和有效性;Oakland University楊連祥教授報道了一種基於單彩色相機的多視角數字圖像相關方法,並初步展示了該方法的可行性;中國科技大學張青川教授介紹了利用偏振成像和三維數字圖像相關方法相結合可克服鏡面反射的影響,並實現了1元硬幣表面三維形貌的高精度測量;華南理工大學蔣振宇教授提出了一種基於異質並行計算加速的迭代數字圖像相關方法計算策略,實現了10000點/幀的實時、高精度位移測量。


Review of single-camera stereo-digital image correlation techniques for full-field 3D shape and deformation measurement

PAN Bing, YU LiPing & ZHANG QianBing

Sci China Tech Sci, 2018, 61(1): 2?20


Fluorescent digital image correlation techniques in experimental mechanics

HU ZhenXing, XU TingGe, WANG XueMin, XIE ZhiMing, LUO HuiYang, HE Yong, GUO Lei, LI YuanPing, GAN RongZhu & LU HongBing

Sci China Tech Sci, 2018, 61(1): 21?36


Bi-prism-based single-lens three dimensional digital image correlation system with a long working distance: Methodology and application in extreme high temperature deformation test

WU LiFu, YIN YuanJie, ZHANG Qi, FANG DaiNing, ZHANG RuBing, ZHU JianGuo & XIE HuiMin

Sci China Tech Sci, 2018, 61(1): 37?50


Portable device for the local three-dimensional deformation measurement using a single camera

MOHAMMED Mokhtar Eisa, SHAO XinXing & HE XiaoYuan

Sci China Tech Sci, 2018, 61(1): 51?60


Multi-perspective digital image correlation method using a single color camera

WANG YongHong, DAN XiZuo, LI JunRui, WU SiJin & YANG LianXiang

Sci China Tech Sci, 2018, 61(1): 61?67


Precise 3D shape measurement of three-dimensional digital image correlation for complex surfaces

YAN TianHao, SU Yong & ZHANG QingChuan

Sci China Tech Sci, 2018, 61(1): 68?73


Heterogeneous parallel computing accelerated iterative subpixel digital image correlation

HUANG JianWen, ZHANG LingQi, JIANG ZhenYu, DONG ShouBin, CHEN Wei, LIU YiPing, LIU ZeJia, ZHOU LiCheng & TANG LiQun

Sci China Tech Sci, 2018, 61(1): 74?85

COVERSingle-camera stereo-digital image correlation (stereo-DIC) techniques have gained increasing attentions and demonstrated excellent prospects in the experimental mechanics community owing to their prominent advantages of cost-effectiveness, compactness, and the avoidance of the complicated camera synchronization. Using additional optical devices, e.g. a diffraction grating, a bi-prism or a set of planar mirrors, pseudo stereo images of a test sample surface can be recorded with a single camera. By correlating these stereo images using DIC, full-field three-dimensional (3D) shape and deformation can be retrieved. This review comprehensively summarizes the historical development, methodologies, strengths and weaknesses of the diffraction grating-based, prism-based, four-mirror-adaptor-based single-camera stereo-DIC techniques, and the recently proposed novel full-frame single color camera-based stereo-DIC technique for full-field 3D shape and deformation measurement. The cover image is the schematic diagram of the full-frame single-camera stereovision system using a color camera. With the aid of the skillfully designed color separation optical device, two views of the object surface can pass through the optical bandpass filters via two different optical paths and then enter into the sensor target of the color camera. Compared with other single-camera stereovision systems, this approach allows the left and right images to overlap each other in one image, which means the spatial resolution of the camera sensor can be fully utilized.



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