首頁 > 最新 > 「辣妹」成員自曝將集體現身哈里王子婚禮;007導演基爾伯特逝世;「漫威之父」斯坦?李銀行戶頭被盜



近日「辣妹」組合成員Mel B在一檔脫口秀節目中自曝五姐妹受邀將參加英國哈里王子的婚禮。節目中當被問到她們是否會去時,她點點頭,明確五個人各自都接到了邀請。Mel B還引發了大家對辣妹在婚禮上重組表演的猜測,但她不肯透露更多,笑稱再說多了就該被炒了。


According to CNN, all five Spice Girls have been invited to attend the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle later this year, Scary Spice Mel B has said.

Appearing on a US talk show, she nodded when asked if they were going, before clarifying that "us five Spice Girls" had each received an invitation.

She also sparked speculation they could perform at the wedding, joking she would be fired if she said any more.

Prince Harry will marry Ms Markle on Sat, May 19.

馬上學:Speculation意指「猜測」,例:Rumours that they are about to marry have been dismissed as pure speculation.(他們打算結婚的傳聞已經證實不過是猜測。)




BBC reported that Lewis Gilbert, the British director of Alfie, Educating Rita and three James Bond films, has died at the age of 97.

Born in London in 1920, he started out as a child actor before directing war films, including Reach for the Sky and Carve Her Name with Pride.

He made his Bond debut with 1967"s You Only Live Twice, going on to direct The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker.

The director"s son, John Gilbert, spoke to the BBC and confirmed his father "died peacefully in his sleep."

Gilbert, who worked together in film with his father added: "He was a wonderful man with a great sense of humour. He was hard-working and we worked on many films together."

Gilbert said his father passed away last Friday in Monaco, where he had lived since 1975, after "suffering from dementia for close to a decade."

馬上學:Debut意指「首演、首次公演」,例:He started as an actor, making his debut as a director in 1990.(他一開始時當演員,1990年首次擔任導演。)


95歲的「漫威之父」斯坦?李老爺爺近日被曝自己有140萬美元遭盜,而且還得了肺炎。 據美國娛樂新聞網站TMZ報道,上周五已有探員到訪其好萊塢山莊的家中商討這一案件。


Legendary comic book writer Stan Lee was reportedly robbed of $1.4 million and revealed he"s currently ill with pneumonia.

TMZ reported detectives arrived at Lee』s Hollywood Hills home last Friday to discuss the reported robbery.

Lee has discovered money missing from his account recently. In December, Lee filed a police report after $350,000 apparently disappeared from his bank account. The next month, Lee claimed $850,000 was stolen from him by someone who was trying to buy a condo.

Lee, 95, revealed Wednesday he is battling pneumonia. TMZ reported the former Marvel Comics editor-in-chief had to cancel upcoming events due to the illness.

馬上學:Rob除了可以表示「搶劫」,還能表示「搶奪,剝奪(某人想要的或應有的事物)」,rob sb of sth就是一個常見用法,例:The accident robbed him of his health.(這場意外奪走了他的健康。)




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