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Dusk Colmar 科爾馬小鎮

Located in France, Dusk Colmar is regarded as the fairytale world. The small town was the prototype ofHowl"s Moving Castlethat directed by Miyazaki Hayao in 2005. The French romance and casual way of life make the town super attractive. If you stop yoursteps and stand still, you can feel a real fairytale world.

位於法國的科爾馬小鎮被譽為童話般的世界。這座小鎮是宮崎駿2005年動畫《哈爾的移動城堡》的原型。 法國式的浪漫和慵懶休閑讓這座小鎮吸引力劇增。在其中駐足停留,你就能感受到現實中的童話仙境。

Siddibusszabad 西迪布撒以德

Siddibusszabad in Tunisia is rated as one of the top 10 romantic samll towns in the world byNational Geographic magazine. The white walls and blue windows with the sunshine make the town looks fresh and romantic.


Ramsau 拉姆紹

Ramsau is the Shangri-la in Germany. Small country roads across this quiet and peaceful town and Alps looms in the distance. Ramsau is far and quiet, but it has the most beautiful scene in the world.


Tekapo 特卡波

If you want to see the most breathtaking starry sky, please give Tekapo a try. When it comes to the night, the sky in Tekapo becomes transparent and starry, visitors can have a clear view of the galaxy and stardust. What a fansy world!


Oia 伊亞鎮

Oia is located in Santorini, Greece. It has the most beautiful sunset in the world. You can sit in the Cafe and overlook the Aegean Sea in a lazy afternoon. The time will be stopped and the moment will become eternal.




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