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We believe that a beautifully designed interior can transform your life,factors such as space, light and time all play their part but the mostimportant element is a deep personal connection with the interior, the home.

Snug工作室由創意總監Hannah Birtwistle創立於2012年7月,專為私人住宅,酒店和住宅開發項目打造奢華市場定製設計。

Founded in July 2012 by Creative Director Hannah Birtwistle,Snug Studioformed to create bespoke designs for the luxury market specialising in privateresidences, hospitality and residential developments.

Hannah Birtwistle擁有強大的創意背景,畢業於英國成人教育KLC設計學院,曾在小編之前介紹的倫敦設計公司Honky任職。

Hannah Birtwistle holds a strong creative background,Hannah Birtwistle graduated from the KLC School of Adult Education in the UK, Workedfor Honky, a London-based design company introduced earlier by Yinji.

Hannah Birtwistle對空間和材料的獨特運用形成了情緒化的內飾,由功能和優雅的結合來定義。Hannah以非常細心的方式進行設計,致力於提供高質量和卓越美感的內飾。

Hannah Birtwistle intelligent use of space and materials result inemotive interiors, defined by the marriage of function and elegance. Hannahdesigns with an exceptionally attentive approach and works in successfulcollaborations to deliver interiors of quality and outstanding beauty.

PictureCopyright @ Hannah Birtwistle



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