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March 11th









Kenny 和 Teddy 是一個鋼琴,吉他和聲樂二人組,他們分享著傳統非洲音樂和節奏的根源,這是他們音樂的核心。

Kenny and Teddy are a Piano, Guitar and Vocal duo, They share their roots in traditional African music and rhythms and this is the core of their connection.



Kenny (Mauritius)是一位成就卓越的音樂家,在他11歲時開始接觸專業的音樂知識,此後由島上一些知名的音樂家進行指導,後來環遊世界,在音樂比賽和音樂節上代表自己的國家。17歲時,他在國內與頂尖藝術家一起錄製和安排首演,並獲得國家獎項。19歲時,他帶著一支樂隊前往亞洲,開始了他作為全職鍵盤手和音樂製作人在亞洲幾個國家的旅程。

Kenny (Mauritius) is accomplished musician in all respects playing professionally since he was 11 years old in his country there after being mentored by some of the greatest musicians on the island to later travel the world to represent his country in music competitions and festivals. At 17 years old he made his recording and arranging debut with top artists in his country earning him some national awards. At the age of 19 he moved to Asia with a band and that began his journey through several Asian countries as a full time Keyboardist and Music producer.



Teddy (Ghana)以教堂音樂家的身份開始了他的旅程,學習了他所演奏的大部分音樂,他在全國範圍內與他的國家的各種藝術家一起演唱和演奏大部分古典非洲吉他和打擊樂器,直到他後來移居亞洲成為醫療醫生。在他上學的時候,他自學了音響工程,音樂製作和幾個樂器,如鍵盤,小提琴和貝斯。

Teddy (Ghana) started his journey as church musician, learning most of the music he played ear, he sang and played mostly classical African guitar and percussion with various artists in his country at a national level until he later moved to Asia to become a medical doctor. During his school days he taught himself sound engineering, music production and several musical instruments such as the keyboard, violin and bass.

Location & Contact

北京市朝陽區三里屯新東路首開鉑郡北區院內廣場 B1層 -007

B1-007,North Area Plaza of Shou Kai Bo Jun, Xindong Road, Sanlitun, ChaoYang District , Beijing

(Limited seats for weekends, For reservation please call 010-64656692, 13810785420, 18611134399)



The BRICKS? What is it like?"Wow, it"s just like the jazz bar in La La Land!』Well, Kind of. The atmosphere is certainly designed to reflect the romanticized ideal of a classic US Jazz joint as seen in that film, with leather chairs and low lighting; but Ryan Gosling"s character Seb would probably demand a bit more oomph from the music.

The BRICKS is known for its live music experiences as well as the relaxed environment. Unlike many bars in the area, this place doesn』t have a massive brick wall in front, but instead, cozy couches and warm candle lights. The BRICKS has the best wine & whisky among all live houses along with the best music to match.

The BRICKS 位於三里屯新東路,是北京少有的爵士&藍調風Live house, 致力於持續為您呈現精彩的演出、有趣的派對。這裡始終是《愛樂之城》里 Seb 心心念念的爵士律動,是紐約皇后區老城讓人醉心的銅管之聲,是從芝加哥到新奧爾良密西西比一線藍調和爵士的弦喉交響。來The BRICKS飲一杯醇香的美酒,看一場溫情的演出,抑或擲一局熱鬧的Party. 這裡的純正真實伴你暢遊爵士之旅,治癒一切煩悶,享受杯酒人生。

More about The BRICKS











?Music oriented First-rate Jazz/Blues Live Bar in town;

?International Jazz/Blues live platform-Beijing substation;

?Professional Audio Equipment and Lighting for top-class performances;

?Assured quality of Wine/Whisky/Liquor/Cocktail etc;

?Right next to the Beloved Hot Sanlitun but easy to park and cab;

?Home and Platform for musicians and music lovers』 communications;

?Original music greenhouse and Culture exchange center;

?Private activity/party venue and Social resource incubator.



請您繼續閱讀更多來自 BRICKS 的精彩文章: