首頁 > 最新 > 它可能是世界上最萌最治癒的蜘蛛了


說起蜘蛛,你會想到什麼?蜘蛛俠?還是盤絲洞里的蜘蛛精?對我來說,首先想到的是它們又多又細的腿和密密麻麻的蛛網。有一些人面對這個小生物時還會患上「蜘蛛恐懼症」 (Arachnophobia),他們一旦進入可能藏著蜘蛛的地方,就會產生不安或是情緒失控。可是,偏偏就有那麼一隻蜘蛛萌到想讓人抱進懷裡揣進兜里,它就是有著娃娃音的Lucas。

Lucas的創作者Joshua Slice說,他想要改變人們對蜘蛛對看法。

I want people who are afraid of spiders to look at Lucas and say "awww."

Lucas的原型是一種叫jumping spider的蜘蛛,它有著大大的眼睛和毛茸茸的身體。(怕引起不適,我就不放圖片了)我們來看看它有哪些有趣的特徵。(引用來自Medium網站作者melissa mcewen)


Jumping spiders are the cutecat-likegeniuses of the spider world.

cat-like 學過新概念3的朋友對這個表達一定不陌生(Pumas are large,cat-likeanimals which are found in America.)


The animator of Lucasplayed those up, but they really are pretty big. And pretty amazing. They can see colors! They can see almost as well as a cat can, which is very unusual for such a tinyinvertebrateand makes them exciting for scientists who do vision research.

play sth up 誇大 (exaggerate)

invertebrate 無脊椎動物


Unlike cellar spiders or other web-building spiders, they don』t just build a web and wait for their food to get caught in it. Nope, these little 「octokittens」 have to hunt their food like a cat,pouncing onit. Some of the brighter onesexploitthe dumber web-building spiders. They do this by pretending to be an insect caught in their web and then pouncing when the web builder comes to investigate. This requires planning and the ability to solve problems.

pounce on 向...猛撲過去 Jumping spiders pounce on their prey.

exploit 利用 Hackers exploit the security loophole to seize control of computers.

這也解釋了它為什麼叫Jumping spider。相似地,還有一種昆蟲叫Grasshopper ,也就是蚱蜢。




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