首頁 > 知識 > 流感對你的身體做了什麼?它為何讓你如此難受?



作者 Laura Haynes

日期 February 12, 2018

翻譯 貓鷹

審校 阿金



我在康涅狄格大學醫學院(University of Connecticut School of Medicine)專攻免疫學,我的實驗室著眼於探索流感如何影響身體,以及我們的身體如何對抗病毒。令人生趣的是,許多攻擊病毒的體內防禦機制也會引起與流感相關的癥狀。





細胞因子協調免疫系統的其他「成員」以各自適當的方式對抗入侵病毒,而趨化因子則將這些「成員」引導到感染部位。參與反應過程的其中一種細胞稱為 T 淋巴細胞(T lymphocytes),這是一種能對抗感染的白細胞。有時它們也被稱為「士兵細胞」。當T細胞特定識別出流感病毒蛋白後,它們開始在肺部和喉嚨周圍的淋巴結中增殖。這會導致淋巴結腫大,產生疼痛感。

幾天後,這些T細胞移動到肺部,開始殺死被病毒感染的細胞。這一過程會造成大量類似於支氣管炎的肺部損傷,加重現有的肺部疾病,使呼吸變得困難。此外,免疫反應造成肺部黏液積聚,這會導致身體將咳嗽作為一種反射機制來清理呼吸道。通常,在健康的人體內,由 T 細胞在肺部引起的損傷是可逆的,但當反應過激時甚至會導致死亡。

流感特異性 T 細胞的正常功能對有效清除肺部病毒至關重要。當 T 細胞功能下降,比如隨著年齡的增長或者使用免疫抑製藥物時,病毒清除時間將會更久。這會延長感染時間,導致更嚴重的肺部損傷。也可能激發包括繼發細菌性肺炎(secondary bacterial pneumonia)在內的併發症,而這常常是致命的。






健康的人體T細胞 Flickr/NIAID.com, CC BY-SA









[論文標題] T-Cell Immunity to Influenza inOlder Adults: A Pathophysiological Framework for Development of More EffectiveVaccines

[論文作者] Janet E. McElhaney, George A.Kuchel, et al.

[發表時間] 2016/02/25

[發表期刊]Front. Immunol

[論文摘要] One of the most profound publichealth consequences of immune senescence is reflected in an increasedsusceptibility to influenza and other acute respiratory illnesses, as well as aloss of influenza vaccine effectiveness in older people. Common medicalconditions and mental and psychosocial health issues as well as degree offrailty and functional dependence accelerate changes associated with immunesenescence. All contribute to the increased risk for complications of influenzainfection, including pneumonias, heart diseases, and strokes that lead tohospitalization, disability, and death in the over 65 population. Changes inmucosal barrier mechanisms and both innate and adaptive immune functions convergein the reduced response to influenza infection, and lead to a loss ofantibody-mediated protection against influenza with age. The interactions ofimmune senescence and reduced adaptive immune responses, persistentcytomegalovirus infection, inflammaging (chronic elevation of inflammatorycytokines), and dysregulated cytokine production, pose major challenges to thedevelopment of vaccines designed to improve T-cell-mediated immunity. In olderadults, the goal of vaccination is more realistically targeted to providingclinical protection against disease rather than to inducing sterilizingimmunity to infection. Standard assays of antibody titers correlate withprotection against influenza illness but do not detect important changes incellular immune mechanisms that correlate with vaccine-mediated protectionagainst influenza in older people. This article will discuss: (i) the burden ofinfluenza in older adults and how this relates to changes in T-cell function,(ii) age-related changes in different T-cell subsets and immunologic targetsfor improved influenza vaccine efficacy in older, and (iii) the development ofcorrelates of clinical protection against influenza disease to expedite theprocess of new vaccine development for the 65 and older population. Ultimately,these efforts will address the public health need for improved protectionagainst influenza in older adults and 「vaccine preventable disability.」

[論文題目] Macrophages and Neutrophils:Regulation of the Inflammatory Microenvironment in Autoimmunity and Cancer

[論文作者] Michal A. Rahat,1 Seth B. Coffelt,et al.

[發表時間] 2016/05/04

[發表期刊]Mediators of Inflammation

[論文題目] Secondary Bacterial InfectionsAssociated with Influenza Pandemics

[論文作者] Denise E. Morris, David W. Cleary,and Stuart C. Clarke.

[發表時間] 2017/06/23

[發表期刊]Front Microbiol.

[論文編號] doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01041

[論文摘要] Lower and upper respiratoryinfections are the fourth highest cause of global mortality (Lozano et al.,2012). Epidemic and pandemic outbreaks of respiratory infection are a majormedical concern, often causing considerable disease and a high death toll, typicallyover a relatively short period of time. Influenza is a major cause of epidemicand pandemic infection. Bacterial co/secondary infection further increasesmorbidity and mortality of influenza infection, with Streptococcus pneumoniae,Haemophilus influenzae, and Staphylococcus aureus reported as the most commoncauses. With increased antibiotic resistance and vaccine evasion it isimportant to monitor the epidemiology of pathogens in circulation to informclinical treatment and development, particularly in the setting of an influenzaepidemic/pandemic.

[論文題目] Aging augments the impact ofinfluenza respiratory tract infection on mobility impairments, muscle-localizedinflammation, and muscle atrophy

[論文作者] Jenna M. Bartley, Sarah J. Pan, etal.

[發表時間] 2017/02/07


[論文摘要] Although the influenza virus onlyinfects the respiratory system, myalgias are commonly experienced duringinfection. In addition to a greater risk of hospitalization and death, olderadults are more likely to develop disability following influenza infection;however, this relationship is understudied. We hypothesized that upon challengewith influenza, aging would be associated with functional impairments, as wellas upregulation of skeletal muscle inflammatory and atrophy genes. Infectedyoung and aged mice demonstrated decreased mobility and altered gait kinetics.These declines were more prominent in hind limbs and in aged mice. Skeletalmuscle expression of genes involved in inflammation, as well as muscle atrophyand proteolysis, increased during influenza infection with an elevated andprolonged peak in aged mice. Infection also decreased expression of positiveregulators of muscle mass and myogenesis components to a greater degree in agedmice. Gene expression correlated to influenza-induced body mass loss, althoughevidence did not support direct muscle infection. Overall, influenza leads tomobility impairments with induction of inflammatory and muscle degradationgenes and downregulation of positive regulators of muscle. These effects areaugmented and prolonged with aging, providing a molecular link betweeninfluenza infection, decreased resilience and increased risk of disability inthe elderly.



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