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攝影師簡介:Sigureur Páll Pálsson是一比特來自冰島的雷克雅維克老男孩,現年25歲,現生活在丹麥的哥本哈根。12歲開始玩滑板因此而退學,17歲為了滑板去了舊金山實現自己的夢想,這個經歷似乎對於他的攝影藝術之路無關緊要,但這種生活造就了他的思維表達方式,他對攝影產生了獨特的情感,他的攝影不被規則所束縛,由他的情緒自由的表達,他的作品充滿著撕裂、顛覆和反叛。他平時與一些雜誌社合作,最近畢業於丹麥著名Fatamorgana藝術學院攝影專業。

「我們每個人都有潛在的意識」——Aldous Huxley

攝影師Sigureur Páll Pálsson用較長時間長途跋涉尋訪薩滿巫師和世界各地的神學專家,從挪威Shamiis到印度的瑜伽修行者;尋訪過澳大利亞的中國苗族;去秘魯、西伯利亞和北美洲探訪當地土著人;到過韓國佛教寺廟;參加過中國西藏人的葬禮。


Although by the documentative nature of such a project, my plan is not to portray the journey in an anonymous stand off-ish impersonal way but transparently and honestly portray and document a personal discovery rather than your average photojournalistic documentary style. Not to look at them, but to be with them.

What Im after is that after years of being obsessed with the surreal lying and distortion of reality in all photographs, which i still agree with, I』ve found that by creating your own world right you can reveal an absolute truth and real sincerity in your expression and the subjects through this fictional medium. And that』s what I』d like to achieve with these people; gather their teachings on life alternative to our way of thinking. An interconnectedness through all things and a deep respect of the earth. In an honest way portray these people. To learn about life.


Scrambled with photographs, honest notes and writings, it would be presented in a 「dummy」 way. As if found in the jungle. To tell what happened. To photograph the unphotographable. To photograph a state of mind. To photograph life itself through the Minds at Large.

The dream would be to eventually publish the massive book which would be an art piece in itself but also I could, after every trip, perhaps contribute to Burn and ask you to publish each story on a regular basis.



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