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三連套盆(TRIO)— 一場蔬菜和藥草的革命

來自以色列Hishtil公司的市場營銷部門經理Haim Rosenblom在接受採訪時說到: 」本公司的室內水培植物不含有農藥,可以在一年四季都保持較高的品質,且保存期相對較長。」













1. 世界之星大賽是世界包裝組織(WPO)的重大活動之一,也是國際包裝領域的傑出獎項。

2. 埃森花卉展是在德國舉辦的世界領先的園藝貿易博覽會。

3. 柏林水果物流展是在柏林舉辦的新鮮農產品貿易展。


Trio—the Vegetable and Herb Revolution

Hydroponically home grown plants are pesticide free, high quality in all seasons and have relatively long shelf lives. Interview with Marketing and Sales Division Manager Haim Rosenblom.

Hishtil never rests on its laurels. Its development staff is always on the lookout for new products suitable for today"s changing lifestyles and the increased demand for fresh produce.

Last year, Hishtil launched Trio, a packaging line it developed in partnership with Ducart Evergreen Packaging. Each package contains a trio of plants for growing easily and cleanly, and hydroponically that are well suited to the kitchen or elsewhere in the home.

The innovative packaging won first prize in the Household category of the Australian WorldStar Packaging Awards. The judges observed that the packaging encourages consumers to grow their own herbs and leafy vegetables.

The Trio launch for our retail customers will take place at forthcoming exhibitions: The IPM in Essen in late January and the Berlin Fruit Logistica in early February. The Trio series was developed after a great deal of experimentation to create convenient and effective packaging. Together with Ducart, which specialises in cardboard liquid containers, we developed a prototype of the current package, which is both waterproof and recyclable.

Hishtil"s Trio comes in four different series:

- Trio Salad — Salanova lettuce, green and red lettuce, mini-onions

- Trio Tea — mint, Melissa, verbena

- Trio Herbs — basil, chives, parsley

- Trio Chef — rosemary, oregano, thyme

The plants grow in water without soil, which encourages rapid growth and maintains a clean growing environment. Picking the leaves just before consumption retains taste, vitality, as well as vitamins and minerals. After the plants have grown, they can be planted in pots, on the window sill or in the ground. The package can be reused for young plants.

Hishtil has recently added an ornamental plant series that make handsome gifts. Instead of buying a bunch of flowers, which wilt in less than a fortnight, you can bring an ornamental plant whose shelf life is considerably longer. Begonias, for example can achieve second flowerings and beautify a home for up to six weeks.Hishtil"s Ornamental Plant series includes pansies, begonias, carnations, petunias, according to season.

Naturally, hydroponically home grown plants are pesticide free, high quality in all seasons and have relatively long shelf lives, if the instructions are followed. For example, Salanova lettuce, when grown by the Hishtil method, retains its freshness even in the summer. If consumers follow the instructions and do not over irrigate, they can enjoy top quality, fresh and ever available leafy vegetables and herbs.



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