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Doomblitz(利物浦球迷):大騙子,不是說好的要擺大巴的么?(Liar, I was promised a bus.)

Freakedmind(未知主隊球迷):大巴不幸撞到你們後防線上了,結果竟然成了進球…(The bus just crashed into your defense and into the goal.)

curseDDestiny(曼聯球迷):為了教利物浦如何防守,我們在上下半場專門擺了兩個不同的大巴呢!(We gave Liverpool two different buses in both halfs since they might need to learn how to defend.)

Satorigato(利物浦球迷):那拜利是在教我們如何進攻嗎?(And Bailly just taught us how to score?)

Heblas(阿森納球迷):在禁區里怎麼能給拜利如此大的空間去射門呢?(Can"t be giving Bailly that much space to shoot in the box.)

Sterilite90(未知主隊球迷):不得不說,拜利這個烏龍比絕大多數前鋒的進球都要有技術含量的…(Honestly Bailly』s goal is much better than most strikers…)

LevynX(曼聯球迷):可以可以,今天我們都沒出動究極版的德赫亞就贏了!(Didn"t even take a De Gea masterclass to win this one. Team did excellently today.)

ItsBlatantlyBally(布里斯托球迷):人們總在抱怨曼聯的比賽太無聊,但是你們見過肯讓自家球員進烏龍來營造氣氛的球隊嗎?(People call United boring but how many teams would have their own plsyer score an own goal to make it a more exicting finish.)


Notasabretooth(尤文球迷):薩拉赫太沉醉於「沙灘梅西」的稱號了,一看梅西本人沒比賽,薩拉赫也決定不出場了!(Salah taking the 『Sand Messi』 thing a bit too seriously by also not playing tonight.)

Iamprateik(曼聯球迷):洛夫倫賽前就說,一定要阻止曼聯拿到平局!(United always play for a draw, I better make sure that doesn"t happen – Lovren.)

Buttonpups(未知主隊球迷):兩隊出場的球員加起來竟來自16個國家之多,也算是個迷你世界盃了吧!(Kind of amazing when you stop to think on it, 16 countries represented in those lineups. It"s like a mini World Cup!)

RiverPlate(河床球迷):不,桑切斯肯定不會同意的!(No because Sanchez won』t agree.)

athul_17x(阿森納球迷):多特蒙德這件新的紅白相間的球衣還是挺不錯的嘛!(Really like Dortmund"s new red and white away jersey.)

Stepanovic(多特球迷):鬧笑話了吧,我們多特的球衣一直都是紅色的啊!(The joke is on you, the official colors of the town Dortmund are red.)

patricko25(阿森納球迷):按慣例,現在應該是我廠終止連勝然後再輸2個月的球,但現在好像正好反過來,成了終止連敗了…(It』s time for the annual Arsenal end of the year unbeaten run after a 2 month losing period, but now is the end for beaten run.)

Toppmama(切爾西球迷):還有比威廉和門柱更令人感動的愛情故事么…(Willian and posts, a decent love story, no need to name a better one.)

StalkingDwarf(切爾西球迷):要不我們踢巴薩的時候就直接往後衛身上踢吧,這樣還能指望它反彈進網…(I think our game plan for Barca should be to shoot the ball at the defenders instead at goal, and hope it gets deflected in.)


maejor-(巴薩球迷):庫鳥的進球,看得我腹股溝交叉部位產生了劇烈反應…(Coutinho』s goal made some sevire reactions happen in my groin joint area.)

JafH2000(利物浦球迷):蘇牙庫鳥進球難救主,利物浦憾負曼聯!(Suarez and Coutinho score, and we lose to United.)

Satorigato(利物浦球迷):這種感覺就像在看前女友和新歡拍的愛愛小視頻一樣…(This is like finding your ex"s new sextape squirts on another dude"s face.)

DummbBells(未知主隊球迷):漢堡的表現還是不錯的,比上個賽季踢拜仁少丟了2個球呢!(Brilliant performance by Hamburg, improved by 2 goals compared to last season.)

dem0nhunter(拜仁球迷):羅老漢的內切有點切得太過了,最後的進球都像是拉邊進的了…(Robben cut so deep inside that he ended up the goal cutting outside.)

Asparagus901(拜仁球迷):從2011年以來,拜仁每次聯賽主場踢漢堡的平均進球數是6.25個…(Bayern Munich has 6.25 goals per game scored since 2011 at home againt Hamburg)

Dewww(阿賈克斯球迷):我有個強烈預感,明年漢堡就不用受拜仁這頓欺負啦!(I have a strong feeling next year Hamburg will be fine.)


reallymadrid(皇馬球迷):有了麵條頭,進球不用愁!(Noodle hair, don"t care.)

CranialZealot(曼聯球迷):唉,要是皇馬的傳真機能早幾年壞掉該多好啊!(Fax machine should have failed a few years earlier as well.)

Melicalol(皇馬球迷):這個老在進球的中年人是誰啊?我看好他的未來哦!(Who is the middle aged man scoring so many goals. I hope he becomes a great football player.)

Potatochips(皇馬球迷):莫德里奇如此風騷的傳球,應該得定義為小黃片才合適…(Modric outside foot pass should be classified as porn.)

Radslide(皇馬球迷):賽前巴黎就放出豪言:「皇馬根本不會預料到會在巴黎主場經歷什麼!」其實他們說得對,我真是沒預料到巴黎竟然會在主場踢得這麼坑爹…("Real Madrid have no idea what awaits them at Parc des Princes.」 Well I for one did not expect this. Horrible performance from PSG.)

DarkSofter(曼聯球迷):要是巴黎和阿森納在歐冠16強里碰上了,那會出現什麼結果?不會是兩隊陷入菜雞互啄的死循環了吧…(I wonder what would happen on a r16 match PSG vs Arsenal. Would we be stuck in an infinite loop of chokes?)

nunixnunix04(葡萄牙球迷):反正最後贏球的肯定是拜仁。(Bayern would somehow still win.)

opi89(波蘭球迷):今夜我們看到的,是「一支球隊」和「一群球員」之間的比賽!(Tonight we saw: a team vs. players.)

Unrectify(皇馬球迷):內馬爾現在應該正躲在妹妹的懷裡哭泣吧…(Neymar is crying in the arms of his sister.)

JVSkol(巴薩球迷):內馬爾走出了梅西的陰影,卻又被太陽的光芒灼傷…(Neymar got out of Messi"s shadow just to get burned by the sun....)

blue-pilgrim(萊斯特城球迷):看完這場坑爹的巴黎主場踢皇馬的比賽後,歐足聯決定禁止巴黎再用寂靜嶺當主場了!(After the infamous 2018 Real Madrid vs PSG game, UEFA decided to never again host a match in Silent Hill.)

Cirad(巴薩球迷):機智的埃梅里!好好保存了姆巴佩的體能,這樣就能在第3回合實現逆轉啦!(Tactical move by Emery. Saving Mbappe for the third leg to come up.)

HippoBigga(西班牙球迷):雖然姆巴佩和卡塞米羅長得也不像,但我覺得他們卻都長得像忍者神龜…(Mbappé and Casemiro look so different but at the same time they both look like ninja turtles.)

Marco2169(皇馬球迷):這是來自「胖子」和「小男孩」的攻擊!(Attack from Fat Man and Little Boy.)

Tickub(泰國球迷):可憐的孫興慜:「我也不是日本人啊!」(Poor Heung-min Son: "But I"m not even Japanese")


LordOfPussy(阿森納球迷):這是阿森納球迷這賽季最開心的一天了吧!(Arsenal fans" best moment of the season.)

m00kystinks(拜仁球迷):也是阿森納2010年以來歐冠16強淘汰賽表現最好的一次呢!(This is Arsenal』s best R16 result since 2010.)

Bustedracquet(未知主隊球迷):熱刺這是成了新阿森納了么,聯賽爭四,然後歐冠止步16強?(Are Spurs the new Arsenal? Get Top 4 in the PL and then lose in the Round of 16?)

Juzashannon(利物浦球迷):這就是北倫敦球隊的一種傳統吧!(A North London team and some things never change.)

ncool91(曼城球迷):這場比賽,穆罕默德和耶穌都進球啦!(Mohammed and Jesus both scored.)

AaronRamsay(阿森納球迷):可惜摩西在切爾西啊,不然這場比賽他也會進球的!(Shame that Moses plays for Chelsea or he would have scored too.)

Trident475(未知主隊球迷):自從瓜瓜入主曼城以後,巴塞爾是第2支能在阿提哈德球場擊敗他們的球隊…(FC Basel is the second team to beat Manchester City at Etihad since Guardiola arrival.)

_ronty12_(利物浦球迷):巴塞爾還是這賽季唯一一支對曼市雙雄完成通殺的球隊呢!(Basel become first team this season to beat both Manchester PL teams.)

WlLSON(阿森納球迷球迷):哈哈曼城,我早就說過你們不可能每周都能踢阿森納這樣的弱旅的!(Lol City I』ve said you can"t always play against weak opposition like Arsenal.)

Sleathasaurus(曼城球迷):有趣的是,現在英超前6裡邊,沒有被巴塞爾擊敗過的球隊,就只剩阿森納了…(Amusingly, everyone bar Arsenal has been beaten by Basel so far.)

bopper1341(巴塞爾球迷):曼城有最好的球員,但我們巴塞爾卻有最好的球迷!(City have the best players. Basel have the best fans.)

BoosterGoldGL(曼城球迷):我們帶著4-0的領先優勢踢FCB,現在一想還是要嚇尿了…(We』re 4-0 up to FCB...I am still shitting myself…)

carterish (利物浦球迷):上次我們進歐冠8強的時候,也是以5-0的總比分淘汰了卡西利亞斯所在的球隊…(Last time we were in Champions league Ro16, we went through 5-0 on aggregate with Casillas in opposition goal.)

Arpall(里昂球迷):很高興看到利物浦回歸,好想念當年的歐冠聯賽,有著AC米蘭、利物浦、里昂這些球隊…(it"s so good to see them back, I miss the old CL with Milan Liverpool Lyon ..

Praydaythemice(阿森納球迷):我好想念當年的阿森納!(I miss the old arsenal.)

Goforyou(拜仁球迷):我們也想啊!(Us, too.)

bigbod99(未知主隊球迷):賽前人們開玩笑說,利物浦這場就只需要在中場倒腳90分鐘就行了,沒想到紅軍還真就這麼幹了…(Half jokingly people were saying Liverpool could just pass it round the midfield for 90 minutes, but they actually did the absolute thing.)

Vaspap(利物浦球迷):我們明明還踢中了次門框好吧…(At least we hit the post.)

Koptimism(利物浦球迷):雖然這場踢波爾圖沒進球,但紅軍這賽季在歐冠的進球數,都比埃弗頓在聯賽中的進球數還多了…(Dispite not scoring againt Porto, Liverpool have now scored more goals in the Champions League than Everton have in the Premier League this season.)

ShetlandJames(鄧迪聯球迷):有時候我們就得需要這種比較,那就是無論你混得多蛋疼,總會有人比你更慘…(We all need reminders that no matter how shit we can be, someone else is worse.)

TheMexicanJuan(墨西哥球迷):恭喜阿森納!這樣他們在更加艱苦的第2輪里就有站著死的資本了!(Good result for Arsenal to carry on to a tougher stadium for the 2nd leg reverse.)

CarsenAF(阿森納球迷):哈哈,教授續約24年已經板上釘釘啦!(Lol Wenger 24 year extension confirmed.)

0fiuco(AC米蘭球迷):加圖索其實應該脫下正裝,露出裡面的AC米蘭球衣然後再安排自己替補出場的…(Gattuso should Just tear his dress and reveal a Milan uniform under It, then sub himself in.)

Mr_Lich12(曼城球迷):真沒想到,我竟然看了一場阿森納在壓上進攻的比賽…(Can"t believe i am actually watching Arsenal pressing and attacking.)

manInTheWoods(瑞典球迷):不,這不是我所熟悉的阿森納!(This is not the Arsenal I was told to expect.)

CrazayTaylor9(熱刺球迷):現在,就連阿森納也不能給我帶來樂子了…(Can"t even count on Arsenal to make me feel better.)

tarakian-grunt(利物浦球迷):阿森納也許就擅長顛覆人們的預期吧…(Arsenal are masters at defying expectations.)




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