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Day after day alone on the hill,The man with the foolish grin is keepin′ perfectly still.


Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit (ACAT) written by Intel

才不信他家人說的:「他霍金於當地時間凌晨,在位於劍橋的家中『安詳地離開』」(His family said that he died peacefully in his home near Cambridge University @BBC)。


Stephen Hawking took a ride in zero gravity


Stephen Hawkin』s Wheelchair


老外也熬雞湯:「Some people say everyone is the apple bitten by God. Only because God particularly likes the fragrance of someone, he bites him terribly hard. Stephen W. Hawking is such an apple. God gives him a mutilated body but leaves him a soul of fragrance. He is a handicapped man who』s been in the wheelchair more than 30 years with high paralysis. He said 「my fingers can still move, my brain can still think. I have the ideal I pursue all my life. I have the relatives and friends who love me and whom I love. Right, I still have one heart of thanksgiving…」When God closes one door in front of you, at the same time, he opens a window for you」.

Apple Core by Manuka honey 7 on Deviant Art


Hawking has probably been an atheist from an early age.

霍金的反擊是:「There is no God. I am an atheist」— Stephen Hawking. 他自稱無神論者,不信鬼神。就這樣拖著「殘留的軀殼」倔強活著,不知76圈年輪是主的恩賜還是懲罰?

答案揭曉在2018年的圓周率π日The Pi Day):


Stephen』s birthday is also the 300th anniversary of death of Galileo Galilei


Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawking - 100 Years of General Relativity


哪有那麼多巧合,這分明是在特殊的日子宣告:史蒂芬·威廉·霍金先生,你獲得了「史上最偉大物理學家The Greatest Physicist Of All Time 」提名,頒獎嘉賓是得過獎的前輩伽利略和愛因斯坦。那個冥冥中主宰一切的力量才不會計較你信不信他,就強行將你的名字寫在人類科學殿堂的紀念牆上,你周圍的名字有哥白尼、麥克斯韋、海森堡……

Participants of the 5th Solvay Congress


Stephen Hawking as a Chair

你這種人,古早羊皮紙卷里稱呼「先知 (prophet)」,往後「退兩步」,離遠點兒,在有你名字的那面牆上,隱約看到「但以理、耶利米、約拿;蘇格拉底、柏拉圖、亞里士多德;阿基米德;歐拉、高斯…

Michelangelo』s 『Creation of Adam』 Replica

宇宙是同構的,你的研究,你的預言,無非是讓我們距離那個永不可及的造物主——宇宙的究極本質更近一些。不論你稱呼他宇宙、自然、上帝、安拉還是女媧、盤古、老天爺……這些「位列仙班」的名字,或助我們追求了「真理」,或讓我們開拓了思路,最少也幫我們克服了恐懼。牛頓那句:「如果說我看得比別人更遠些,那是因為我站在巨人的肩膀上(If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants)」想說的大概就是這個意思。

Orion carried his servant Cedalion on his shoulders to act as the giant"s eyes

逢名人過世,公眾一如既往地喜歡「湊熱鬧」。多數沉痛懷念喬布斯的人都不是蘋果的用戶,悲傷追悼霍金的也沒幾個讀過他的學說。屈原問了兩千年:「斡維焉系,天極焉加?八柱何當,東南何虧」?我曾試著翻兩頁《時間簡史》找答案,負責任的說,我要是看懂了,我是你孫子!他所有公開言論中,大概我唯一能理解並引起共鳴的,是:「女人是世間最大的謎題("Women.They are a complete mystery")。憑這句話,值得碼幾個字兒,Mark下這位「從來不搞簽名售書的」科普類暢銷書作家史蒂芬·威廉·霍金同志:

He never listen to them 充耳不聞

He knows that they"re the fools 瞭然於胸

They don"t like him 鷙鳥不群

The fool on the hill 山巔愚公

Sees the sun going down 目送夕陽

And the eyes in his head 明察秋毫

See the world spinning round 滄海桑田

Oh, round, round, round, round, round 亘古如一

—— The Fool On The Hill

—— Patton



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