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Dwane Casey is Coach of the Year, right?


I haven"t heard this guy getting enough credit. I know there have been knocks on him in the past, sometimes justified. But he"s doing something this year I"ve only seen a handful of coaches do: he"s taking almost the exact same roster, and completely redesigning the way they play - in the middle of his tenure!


And it"s working: best record they"ve ever achieved, thriving bench and role players, effortlessly selfless play from the stars, clear 1-seed with big wins over contending teams.


The Raptors are the real deal this year, and Casey is a big reason why. After years of playing ISO-heavy ball that leans on the stars, he"s gotten everyone to up the pace, move the ball, shoot more threes, and trust each other.


The only other contender this year is D"Antoni. And while the Rockets have been the best regular season team, they also added a superstar and future HOF in Chris Paul. The Raptors are doing nearly as much without anywhere close to the same level of star power. Everyone thought the roster was getting stale, but they look better than ever.


We"ll see how the playoffs go - I know that"s always the big question with the Raps - but for now, let"s give the man his due.


EDIT: I want to correct myself by adding that Brad Stevens is also a big time contender for what he"s been able to get out of a largely new roster, though I still have Casey ahead of him. Honorable mentions go to Stotts and McMillan.


[–]Canadashilly22 271 指標 6小時前

I was already impressed with Casey this year, but after listening to him on the woj pod, he said something that really stuck with me. At the end of the podcast, he mentioned that African-American coaches often aren"t regarded as "smart." They"re known mostly as "players" coaches" and "locker room guys." He said that black coaches aren"t given enough credit for how they coach in-game and how they develop systems.


This really stuck with me, because throughout this season, I had just assumed that the front office told Casey this offseason how he should be running his system, and he implemented it flawlessly because he"s such a "players" coach." I started reading in to how they developed the system, and apparently during training camp, the Raptors were running scrimmages where certain shots were worth different points. A corner 3 was worth 4, a long 2 was worth 1. Not only did this encourage a high-efficiency offense, it taught the players how to force low-efficiency shots on defense.


Not to mention how well Casey runs his rotations. People were always angry at him last year for how little he played JV, but the Raptors always have the perfect matchup in during crunch time, whether small or big. And you never hear anything from the players about how much or how little playing time they"re getting.


Casey"s been in the NBA for a quite a long time. He"s a smart coach who knows how to get the best out of his players. Definitely COTY.


[–]TimberwolvesTB7_aka_StopNPop 2401 指標 11小時前

imagine seeing this thread at this point last year lmao. People were calling for his head


[–]Timberwolvescryyogenic 1082 指標 11小時前

"member in 2007 when the Wolves fired him because we were "only" 20-20....and went on to go 12-30 after his firing.


[譯註1]: 2005-06賽季,凱西拿到了他在NBA的第一份主教練工作,當時率領的是明尼蘇達森林狼隊,接替凱文-麥克海爾。凱西帶隊的總戰績是53勝69負,他在2007年1月23日被解僱,僅僅帶隊一年半。當他被解職時森林狼的戰績是20勝20負,他的繼任者是蘭迪-惠特曼,森林狼在他的接手的剩餘賽季戰績為12勝30負。

[–]TimberwolvesTB7_aka_StopNPop 643 指標 11小時前

yeah, another great Kevin Mchale move



[–]RocketsHakeemTheDreamShake 303 指標 10小時前

Fuck Kevin McHale


[–]RaptorsBen--Affleck 172 指標 11小時前

I was calling for it and it was always because he clearly allowed iso ball to be our bread and butter and we all know it』s limits. We had such a predictable offense and thank god people were freaking out about it. Don』t know who made the decision to change things up, but you gotta give props to Casey for managing the transition beautifully. He』s obviously a great players』 coach on top of a great defensive coach. What he』s managed this year should earn him the trophy and our respect.


[–]RaptorsVeryCanadian 77 指標 10小時前

Xs and Os still aren"t his strongest suit, but you just can"t discount the job he and Stackhouse have done developing our young players - which is about half our rotation - into a terror for opposing teams.


[–]WarriorsTortadeMilanesa 156 指標 11小時前

To be fair, it"s not as if he"s doing the same stuff that had people pissed off at him over the past few years. In fact, he went out of his way to do a full 180 with his offensive approach.


[–]TimberwolvesTB7_aka_StopNPop 26 指標 11小時前

true but its generally not a good practice to fire people without giving them adequate opportunity to improve. If you pull the trigger too soon then you』re missing out on that coaches experience they』ve accumulated that should help them make the necessary adjustments.


[–]RaptorsMasai-Ujiri 73 指標 10小時前

He had plenty of time. We hired him from the mavs after they won the title. Wanted him gone in 2015 after the sweep.


[–]RaptorsFredVanFleek 786 指標 11小時前

he gets my vote obviously, but it"s gonna be a 3 man race between Casey, Stevens and D"Antoni imo


[–][NYK] Kristaps Porzingiskungfukristaps 724 指標 11小時前

Nate McMillan deserves to be a part of that race imo


[–]TimberwolvesMorezingis 511 指標 11小時前

Totally. Pacers were in the argument for worst team in the league during preseason. Now they"re the 3rd seed.


[–][POR] C.J. McCollumHedo_Nurkoglu 151 指標 10小時前

Damn, I knew they were beating expectations, but did not know they were the 3 seed


[–][TOR] OG Anunobypannedcakes 169 指標 9小時前*

That says just as much about the Cavs as it does about the Pacers.


Edit: I"m not trying to take away anything from the Pacers, they are still exceeding expectations. I"m just saying that Cavs, in a similar manner, are way underperforming according to their expectations.


[–]Trail BlazersTexasWithADollarsign 51 指標 10小時前

If 3rd seed teams belong in the COTY discussion, then Terry Stotts should also be in the discussion.


[–]ThunderRamzaa_ 85 指標 9小時前

If the jazz make the playoffs then I"d say Quinn Snyder warrants some consideration as well


[–]RaptorsFredVanFleek 52 指標 11小時前

He deserves a lot of credit for what he"s done, but the 3-8 seeds are just too close for me to consider him yet. As of now, Casey, Stevens, and D"Antoni are just too much ahead of everyone else


[–][TOR] Amir JohnsonModernPoultry 51 指標 11小時前

Ya, 3rd seed isnt a sexy pick for CotY but considering many thought the Pacers would be a bottom 5 team, his team"s play is the most impressive for me.

Raps and Rockets were seen as middle to higher ranked seeds around the 3 or 4 seed range.


I think Nate"s Squad"s Win prediction has the biggest discrepancy from the beginning of the season to now


[–][TOR] Delon WrightDelonWright 310 指標 11小時前

I think he should be. I was surprised listening to Nate Duncan』s podcast when Nate chose Popovich as COTY and Danny Leroux chose Brad Stevens. I get the Brad Stevens argument but Pop?


[–]CavaliersAir2Jordan3 118 指標 8小時前

Depends when the podcast was, but the Spurs were the 3 seed for the majority of the first half of the season, without their best player. Now obviously it"s a different story because they could fall anywhere between 3 and 10. But if they get the 3 seed there"s a solid case there.


[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozanFrostyTheKnight10 243 指標 11小時前

I wouldn"t be mad if Brad makes it. imo Casey deserves it more but I"m obviously biased


[–][TOR] OG AnunobyIamSofakingRAW 153 指標 11小時前

If we get 61 wins after being projected for 44-45, I think he absolutely deserves it over anybody


[–]MavericksLeoFireGod 133 指標 10小時前

Honesty I seeing the pacers as the 3 seed after trading away PG13 makes me think its between him or Nate McMillan


[–]PacersProzaki 74 指標 9小時前

Pacers bout to run away with COTY, MIP, and EOTY.


[–]Trail BlazersHolcan 40 指標 7小時前

Has a MIP ever won finals mvp? We can start this year with oladipo


[–]Bullshankbaumbach 160 指標 10小時前*

「The only other contender this year is D"Antoni. And while the Rockets have been the best regular season team, they also added a superstar and future HOF in Chris Paul.」


Even more importantly, D"Antoni won it last year and there is no way the NBA gives it to any coach back to back.


Top Coach

West: D"Antoni (disqualified due to winning last year)

East: Casey




Honorable Mention

Nate McMillan (Pacers)

Brad Stevens (Celtics)

Terry Stotts (Trailblazers)

Alvin Gentry (Pelicans)

Lebron James (Cavs)








Erik "Now do you believe me that I can coach?" Spolestra (Miami)

Quinn "I invoke the holy lord Jesus to protect me from these snakes" Snyder (Utah)





People have (rightfully) complained that these two guys were left off the honorable mentions and while I stand by their omission from the "Honorable Mentions" I do agree they deserve mentioning for how well they"ve been coaching under the circumstances they find themselves.




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