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The refuge is characterized by simple features, purity of forms, integration with nature and use of natural materials with a color palette of earthy tones, the touch of fabrics, the heat of the wood, the nobility of the marble, the rusticity of the stone and the concrete are mixed with the essential: living, coming and going, exploring, knowing, traveling, receiving and appreciating. The character, who goes in search of moments, eternalizes memories through art, photography and design that tell a story.

▼住宅外觀,exterior view

▼客廳,living room

▼室內材料以大地色係為主,the interior uses natural materials with a color palette of earthy tones

▼從客廳望向餐廳,dining area seen from the living room


▼通高落地窗將自然環境帶入住宅,the living space is integrated with nature through full-height glazed walls

▼客廳設有懸掛式壁爐,the living room with a hanging fireplace



▼木材的溫暖質感與大理石的典雅形成對比,the heat of the wood contrasts with the nobility of the marble

▼半戶外的浴室,bathroom in an open area

▼洗手間細部,rest room


▼剖面透視圖,section perspective



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