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IT TOOK TEN years to build the Maverick, a dorm-fridge-sized box that takes in a cartridge with a little bit of blood—more than a drop but, you know, not a pint, either—and spits out new knowledge. On the cartridge is a silicon chip carved with antibody-lined channels; if any of a range of molecules that signal things like celiac disease are floating around, they stick to the antibodies, changing the way the channel reflects infrared light. The machine goes ping. (Not literally.) 「We have chips with up to 16 different tests,」 says Cary Gunn, Genalyte』s CEO. 「Eventually we』ll have a chip with 128 tests at once.」

它花了十年的時間建立了Maverick,這是一個宿舍 - 冰箱大小的盒子,它帶有一點點血液 - 不止一滴,但你知道,不是一品脫 - 並吐出新的知識。 盒上是刻有抗體襯裡通道的硅晶元; 如果有一系列信號分子像乳糜瀉一樣在周圍漂浮,他們會堅持抗體,改變通道反射紅外光的方式。 機器進行ping。 (不是字面意思)。「我們有多達16種不同測試的晶元,」Genalyte首席執行官Cary Gunn說。 「最終,我們將有一個128位測試的晶元。」

所以,哇。 只需一點點血,10微升左右,你可以測試128種不同的疾病或標記物? 現在正在醫生辦公室進行測試嗎?嗯。 對此有些熟悉,你在想。

That. A couple of years ago, Theranos, a company claiming to be able to almost magically do all sorts of medical tests on a single drop of human blood, fell apart. A brilliant Wall Street Journal investigation showed that its technology didn』t work; this week the Securities and Exchange Commission brought fraud charges against its founder. Diagnostics start-ups extracted a few lessons: Have actual, peer-reviewed data and, like, don』t lie to investors. But the Theranos debacle didn』t stop their work. That game has been on since at least 2000, and doctors, patients, and insurers are still clamoring for those tests. Nominally they might reduce health care costs, but more than that they promise new, faster diagnoses and better care.

幾年前,Theranos宣稱能夠幾乎神奇地對一滴人血進行各種醫學檢測,但卻崩潰了。 「華爾街日報」一項輝煌的調查顯示,其技術無效; 證券交易委員會本周向其創始人提起了欺詐指控。 診斷創業公司提取了一些經驗教訓:具有實際的同行評審數據,而且不會對投資者撒謊。 但Theranos的失敗並沒有阻止他們的工作。 那場比賽至少從2000年開始,醫生,病人和保險公司仍然在為這些測試吵鬧。




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