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與外國人對話不再擔心 旅行實用英文懶人包


與外國人對話不再擔心 旅行實用英文懶人包


我想要預訂3月6日的房間。 I』d like to make a reservation for one night on the 6th of March. 請問房價是多少? What are the room rates? 請問什麼時候進房/退房? When is check-in time / check-out time? 請問早餐幾點開始供應? What time can I have breakfast? 我房間沒有熱水。 There"s no running hot water in my room. 冷氣(電視、燈)無法運作。 The air-conditioner (T.V. set、light) doesn"t work. 請問房間里有網路(Wifi)嗎? Does the room have Internet(Wifi) access? 請問要如何到達飯店? How do I get to the hotel? 我想要早上8點設定起床電話。 I would like to have a morning Call at 8:00 in the morning. 我會晚一點到達,請幫我保留預訂的房間。 I』ll arrive late. Please keep my reservation.

與外國人對話不再擔心 旅行實用英文懶人包


我想預定X張在X月X日飛往XX的機票。請問航班是幾點起飛? I』d like to make flight reservations to __ on __ for __. What is the departure time of the flight to __? 請問我可以選擇靠走道/靠窗的位子嗎? Can I have an aisle seat / a window seat? 請問這班飛機要到哪一個登機門登機? What gate does the flight board at? 請問X號登機門在哪裡? Excuse me, where is Gate __? 請問這班飛機幾點登機? When does the flight begin boarding? 請問轉機櫃檯/轉機大廳在哪裡? Excuse me, where is the transfer desk / lounge? 簽證 Visa 護照 Passport 航廈 Terminal 單程機票 One-way ticket 往返機票 Round trip ticket 頭等艙 First-class section 商務艙 Business-class section 經濟艙 Economy-class section 免稅店 Duty-Free Shop 貨幣兌換處 Currency Exchange/Money Exchange

與外國人對話不再擔心 旅行實用英文懶人包


交通問路篇 請問公共汽車/計程車站在哪裡? Where is the bus stop / taxi stand? 不好意思,請問往XX的路要怎麼走? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the __? 請問附近有沒有公共衛生間? Is there a public toilet nearby? 麻煩請載我去這個景點/地址。 Take me to __ / this address, please. 請在這裡停車 / 左轉 / 右轉。 Please stop / turn left / right here. East 東 West 西 North 北 South 南 Left 左 Right 右 Front 前 Back 後 Crossroad / Intersection 十字路口/交叉路口

與外國人對話不再擔心 旅行實用英文懶人包


我想點餐了。 May I order, please? 請給我菜單。 May I have a menu, please? 我想要訂兩人的位置。 I like to make a reservation for two. 我今天X點有訂位。 I have a reservation at __:__. Appetizer 開胃菜 Salad (and Soup) 沙拉 (湯) Main Course 主菜 Side 副餐/小菜 Seafood 海鮮 Specialty 特製/特調 Dessert 甜點 Beverage 飲料 Kids Menu 兒童餐

與外國人對話不再擔心 旅行實用英文懶人包


請問這個多少錢? How much is this? 請問這件件物品有打折嗎? Excuse me. Is there any discount on this? 請問這附近有提款機嗎? Is there an ATM nearby? 請問這項(物品)有特價嗎? Is this on sale? 請問我可以看看那個嗎? Can I have a look at that one, please?



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