首頁 > 最新 > 坐擁百億美金,卻買不來家庭和睦,特斯拉創始人馬斯克稱父親是惡魔


▲埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)

Musk has started no fewer than four billion-dollar companies, so there is no doubting his talent or drive – and he』s happy to enjoy the fruits of his success with five Bel Air mansions, seven private jets and relationships with famously beautiful women, including actresses Talulah Riley and Amber Heard.

馬斯克創立了四家市值以十億美元計的公司,他的才華和執行力都毋庸置疑。他也毫不吝嗇地品嘗著自己勝利的果實,包括加州貝艾爾市的5棟豪宅、7架私人飛機,大美女Talulah Riley和Amber Heard都曾經是他的枕邊人。

▲馬斯克和前女友Amber Heard


Yet there is one thing that even a $20 billion fortune cannot buy, and that is family harmony – in particular a warm relationship with his father Errol.



『He was such a terrible human being, you have no idea,』 he told an interviewer for the American magazine Rolling Stone with tears running down his face.


『My dad will have a carefully thought-out plan of evil. He will plan evil. Almost every crime you can possibly think of, he has done. Almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done. It』s so terrible, you can』t believe it.』


It is hardly surprising, then, that the two men haven』t spoken for the past 18 months – not even ten months ago when 72-year-old Errol surprised his grown-up children by fathering a boy with his much younger new wife.




『Elon needs to grow up,』 he says now. 『He needs to get over himself. I』m not going to hit back. I』m going to wait until he comes to his senses. He』s having a tantrum, like a spoilt child. He can』t have what he wants and now I am apparently an evil monster.』



Errol, a successful consulting engineer, and his first wife, former fashion model Maye, brought up their three children Elon, Kimbal and Tosca in luxury. Musk senior was a millionaire before the age of 30.


『I drove them to school in a convertible Rolls-Royce Corniche, they had thoroughbred horses to ride and motorbikes at the age of 14. They were spoilt, I suppose. Maybe that』s why Elon is acting like a spoilt child now,』 he says.



『Elon has repeatedly told a story of me telling him computers were a waste of time. That』s untrue.』 Recounting early signs of his son』s intellect with genuine pride, he continues: 『Elon has been generous enough to admit that he inherited his scientific genius from me.


『When he was 11, he pestered me to pay a huge sum to let him attend a computer course where the first IBM PC, with mouse and keyboard, was to be presented for the first time. 』



『I told him to be quiet and well-behaved, to give his seat up to someone if necessary and sit on a step at the side of the stage.


『When I came back after two hours to collect him, I found most people had left but a group had gathered at the foot of the stage. In the centre was my small son, his sleeves rolled up, talking earnestly. A professor listening to him turned to me and said, 「This boy needs to get one of these computers.」 』


▲馬斯克和創業夥伴Peter Thiel,照片拍攝於2000年10月,馬斯克通過創立PayPal賺得人生第一桶金


But Errol admits he was to blame for the divorce which split the family after 16 years of marriage.


『I had a very pretty wife, but there were always prettier, younger girls. I really loved Maye but I screwed up.』




He was acquitted of manslaughter on the grounds of self-defence. 『That』s the only so-called terrible thing I』ve ever had to do,』 he says. 『Maybe that』s what Elon is referring to.』


『Elon is upset with me,』 he says. 『He is furious that he can』t force me to love America the way he does. I refuse to live there. I tried it, and came back home.



Errol recalls feeling like a prisoner as he plotted his escape, making secret appointments with the South African embassy to secure temporary passports. 『I left everything behind. Elon disowned me, he said he wanted nothing more to do with me.』



『I』m not an evil person,』 he continues. 『I have nothing to regret. I』m just a father who loves his son – and all his children – and is happy to know they are safe and healthy and secure.』






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