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Guru Yoga Is the Most Perfect Dhyana

After clearly understanding all the methods of taking refuge in the Guru, you can practise the mind and behavior of the Guru. Practising the mind and behavior means to learn and practise by following the Guru』s compassion, wisdom, merits, virtues and other behaviors through observation, and tirelessly and diligently practise the Dharma essentials instructed from the Guru. You can bring the whole merits and virtues from the Guru』s mind continuity into your own mind continuity depending on the faith and the blessings generated by the faith and the correct practice methods. Finally you will attain the perfect state as same as the Guru』s. This practice method is called the Guru Yoga, or 『union with the nature of the Guru』. The essential of the Guru Yoga is to have the complete faith in the Guru and pray to the Guru all the time which is the shortcut to the fast accomplishment among the Vajrayana Dharmas, and which is the most supreme practice method! It is best to merge your own mind with Guru』s wisdom and blend your own mind into the Guru』s wisdom. The Guru』s wisdom is your inherent mind or your Rigpa. Abiding your mind in the Guru』s mind, wisdom and Rigpa, this is the highest Dhyana. Who wants to practice meditation, just do like this way which is the most perfect Dhyana.



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