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Virtual Ethnography



「People In virtual communities use words on screens to exchange pleasantries and argue, engage In Intellectual discourse, conduct commerce, exchange knowledge, share emotional support, make plans, brainstorm, gossip, feud, fall in love, find friends and lose them, play games, flirt, create a little high art and a lot of idle talk. People in virtual communities do just about everything people do in real life, but we leave our bodies behind. You can"t kiss anybody and nobody can punch you in the nose, but a lot can happen within those boundaries.」


Social aggregations means that the topic should focus on collectivity.「Enough people」means that he number of people in the virtual community we study should be among 150-200. Robin Dunbar thinks that if the number of people of online communities is much larger than this figure, we should separate this community into smaller parts.


Here is the operating procedures of network ethnography:


1.Define research issues, social networking sites and survey topics.


2.Identify and select communities.


3.Community participant-observation and data collection.


4.Data analysis and interpretation.


5.Compose and show the findings.


From the procedures we can know that participant-observation is a vital method to do network ethnography. All ethnographers face dilemmas in deciding how to be an effective participant observer in a particular culture. There is a spectrum between full participant and full observer, and each ethnographer has to find an appropriate way to be present for their own field site (Hammersley and Atkinson, 1995). This is an example:


This article can be found on Henry Jenkins』 blog. Henry Jenkins has been devoting himself on Fandom culture study and he also leads some young researchers to do more studies on it. William Proctor is a member of Star War project. He thought that journalists have misrepresented fan objections of the film. He got this conclusion by participant observation.


Besides participant observation, research planning and 「entering」 is also important to network ethnography research. Robert V. Kozinets (the author of ) had chosen a totally wrong way to enter a community when he was a young researcher. He posted on a forum, telling the members of the community who he was and his study purposes, to request the members to help him on that research. But what Robert didn』t know was that that forum had been researched for several times before him. So that time, most members lost their enthusiasm and patience, and that few people were willing to offer help.


So doing some planning and know about how to enter a community is necessary. Here are some tips can be used as reference:


1.Know about the focus of the research.

2.Read related researches and even get in touch with other researchers in this field.

3.Choose a proper virtual community: you had better not choose those websites which have been recently researched.

4.Be familiar with the website you want to research: know about their members、language and interests.

5.Improve your questions again and again.






Ethics is a focus issue which has intrigued violent controversary. Online research has tended to be construed as human subjects research, and thus to fall within existing frameworks requiring that subjects be provided with information to enable them to make an informed decision whether to participate or not (Frankel and Siang, 1999).


Some researchers threw out these suggestions:


1.informed consent: this means that the researchers should let the members of online communities know they are researchers and their study purposes. Researchers can only carry out their study plan after they get the members』 agreement.

1.知情同意:這意味著研究人員應該讓在線社區的成員知道他們是研究人員和他們的研究目的。 研究人員只有在得到成員的同意後才能執行研究計劃。

2.Signature: this means online aliases should be treated as real names. Some members of online communities post their works on that, their copyright should also be well protected.


3.Avoid harming people in the community.


Ao3 is a fandom community whose full name is 「Archive of our own」, fans of movies, novels, real people etc. can post their fan works (most are slash fictions). In order to do network ethnography on this online community, I need to know about it and obey its rule firstly. As an example, slash fiction focuses on the depiction of romantic or sexual relationship between fictional characters of the same sex, so it is a little improper to post too many romantic stories between a boy and a girl. The members of Ao3 usually regard this as a consensus, but outsiders may hardly understand this rule.


(The picture is the screenshot of Ao3 home page 圖為Ao3網站首頁截圖)

The number of members of Ao3 is beyond 10000 (in fact there are still over 30000 people waiting online to get an Ao3 account),which is far bigger than 200, so we had better separate it. It has a 「movie」 part, and in 「movie」 part there are also many sub-sector. Movie 「Avengers」 is an instance, it has enough fans and adequate discussion, so it is proper for virtual ethnography. Through the messages left under a post and the author』s reply, researchers can have a better understanding about fandom culture.


Reference materials:


[1]羅伯特· V· 庫茲奈特.如何研究網路人群和社區:網路民族志方法實踐研究[M].重慶:重慶大學出版社,2016

[2]Henryjenkins. How Do You Like It So Far? Podcast: Episode 3 William Proctor and Lisa Granshaw on Star War Fandom Responds to the Last Jedi[EB/OL]. http://henryjenkins.org/blog/2018/2/24/how-do-you-like-it-so-far-podcast-episode-3-billy-proctor-and-lisa-granshaw-on-star-war-fandom-responds-to-the-last-jedi




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