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大家好!歡迎登上VP號Voice Of People

「乘風破浪,永不沉沒!FLUCTUAT NEC MERGITUR (tossed by the waves but does NOT sunk)!「


Since this is the first article ever to be published on this platform, it seems like a self introduction is in order:

來自中國,在美留學,其他沒啥,就會點英語口語表達能力。於是,第一年暑假就在Boston University上了傳媒,第二年試著沖了一把,憑著幾乎壓線的托福成績去上哈佛演講的夏校。

校內,為了鞏固英文學術方面的口頭表達,我參與Debate & Mock Trial, 去年維持了9 - 0 的完美成績,在Southeastern MA League 中榮獲團體二人四人組第一,個人第四。

自從我愛上口語了以後,就執著的去」追求「,比如說瘋狂的看完一整部「老友記「就為了學裡面的美式黑色幽默,埋頭在桌肚裡偷看《Harry Potter》直到英語老師直接無視,一周兩本,就為了看完後可以一邊看電影一邊模仿「優雅的英式口音」。這當中前前後後花掉了許多時間,但效果居然比我學了一年的新概念有效得多!(果然有了興趣事就成了一大半:)


」Fluctuat nec mergitur「

」Fluctuat nec mergitur「 是一句拉丁短語,也是法國巴黎的格言。Paris, the city of lights, has "tossed by the waves but does not sunk" as its motto ever since the year of 1358. These words cannot be simpler, yet tug on one"s heartstrings in times of struggles. 提到海洋,有些想起的是海灘邊看夕陽的美景,有些想起的是帆船在平靜的海面上漂浮,也有的想起海底數不清的美妙生物;但無論想像中這些場景多麼的美好,潛伏的危險一旦爆發,世間一切都彷彿得避讓三分。


Big Data

Do you know, during that last minute you had spent reading this article,300hours of video were been uploaded to Youtube and made available to most of the world population!! Imagine how much information that is and what problems would it create?

Big Data 已成為這個社會的一種依賴,不管其好與壞,已變得不可或缺。好在哪裡?放寬了我們的視野,以整個社會群體的角度來看,是跨了一大步,Data拉近了人與人之間的距離。但反過來講,每個人緊密相連也未必是一件好事,這當中牽涉到隱私問題,信息過量,烏合之眾效應。

Data storage, analysis and ultimately, application, are altogether prevailing in all aspects of a society. In fact, it has always been around in the society. How else would a company responds to its customer"s needs if there are no surveys conducted? Why else would laws be modified if there isn"t any public polls conducted to address a need for change? The answer is obvious: we need to use data well.




How does this platform plan on advocating better lives for minorities? Or in other words, plan on achieving better usage of Big Data? The technology within this device you are holding right now! 經常聽別人說覺得自己沒有足夠的財力,物力去產生一些影響,可影響社會前需先影響群體中的個體,也就是身邊的人;如果在微信,一個以Big Data為基礎的平台上,就能將你與身邊或遠在異國的人緊緊相連,那麼 discover how to use WeChat to help others 就是對Big Data良好運用的最好詮釋!








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