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[Eggers] Mike D"Antoni calls James Harden "the best offensive player I』ve ever seen"


Full quote:

Mike D』Antoni on James Harden: 「He』s the best offensive player I』ve ever seen. The way he can pass, see the floor, get fouls, layups, floaters, maybe a lob, maybe out to the corner — he has so many weapons. Now he』s shooting that step-back 3. It』s impossible to guard him."


[–][GSW] Kevin Durantrukqoa 207 指標 6小時前

Coach says his star offensive player is best offensive player he has ever seen, more at eleven.

Harden is pretty legit though.



[–]CavaliersKayFeldersAlt 61 指標 6小時前 

He could go down as a top 3-5 offensive player of the past couple decades realistically. I am not saying he will, but with what he has been doing, it"s not out of this world.


[–]Lakerschad12341296 10 指標 5小時前

Really no praise in the NBA is out of this world, it"s a young sport, saying one of the best players today is one of the best at something all time isn"t crazy because there"s not a large pool of players that you"re disrespecting and statistically it"s likely that the best player at something today is at least top 20 at it all time.


[–]CavaliersKayFeldersAlt 25 指標 5小時前 

There"s a pretty large pool of great offensive players. It"s high praise.


[–]Cavaliersskakembo 69 指標 6小時前

Kobe, Lebron, Shaq , Jordan...I mean i could keep going...do this in Playoffs sir Beard


[–][HOU] Sleepy FloydJimHarden 22 指標 4小時前

All I see is a list of players who can"t shoot 3s /s


[–][MIL] Jabari ParkerWIN011 11 指標 5小時前 

Forreal. Everyone asks what he needs to do to pass curry or KD. Going off in the playoffs would certainly help his case.


[–]Spurs1248163264128 30 指標 6小時前 

This is offensive to Unanimous MVP season Steph


[–][OKC] Russell Westbrookdepressedkcfan 14 指標 6小時前

I disagree. I don"t think Harden is even the best offensive player of this era. Kevin Durant is.


[–][HOU] James HardenEnterAdman 7 指標 5小時前 

Harden is comparable in many aspects on O, and is much better at passing and drawing fouls.


[–]OldManHadTooMuchWine 11 指標 6小時前

I think right now he is the most dangerous, versatile offensive player I"ve seen.

And I hated him until this year with his drawing fouls and flopping crap, but with d"Antoni he"s doing everything.


I"ve been wondering recently what would have happened if D"Antoni had gotten the Warriors job......maybe not better overall because Kerr was smart bringing in Ron Adams and probably has a better system overall, but wonder if Curry would be even better right now.


[Amick] Mike D"Antoni on James Harden"s game: "He』s got one flaw. He does get tired some. He』s mortal. And that』s it."


Full Quote:

「He』s a hell of a player, first off,」 D』Antoni said when asked to explain his declaration. 「It』s a combination of everything. There are other players who might be better at this, or a little bit better at that. But when you put everything together, and the way he passes, the way he sees teammates, the way he can lob, the way he can fight through a foul. I mean even on an off night, he』s probably getting 30, 40 points, and I mean efficiently. And he doesn』t even have anything going. But he』s so efficient, and he gets other guys involved. … He』s got one flaw. He does get tired some. He』s mortal. And that』s it. Other than that …」


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookAnti_Thon 707 指標 11小時前

That type of ISO ball is tiring. Imagine having to create your own shot and everyone else』s shot for an entire game. It helps that CP3 is there now though.


[–][PHI] Joel Embiidjayzee1138 146 指標 8小時前

Plus he has asthma


[–]Rocketsoptimuspoopprime 46 指標 6小時前*

This amazes me. I consider myself pretty fit but have asthma. I"m not the type of having a inhaler on me 24/7 but I do have asthma that once in a while would flair up when seasons change. Asthmatics are more prone to pneumonia or upper respiratory infections/bronchitis. There was a point in time where I had either pneumonia or bronchitis year after year in winter and it was miserable.

Amazed that I"ve never seen harden miss a game from illnesses.



[–]Sullan08 19 指標 4小時前

I mean, there are different levels of severity to asthma. I"d be willing to bet his is pretty mild.


[–][GSW] Kevin Durantrukqoa 222 指標 11小時前

The rockets actually move the least and run the least distance because of the iso focus.


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookAnti_Thon 339 指標 11小時前

That』s great for the Rockets but James Harden still expends a lot of energy.


[–]NetsSelfDeprecating 28 指標 11小時前

And Harden has the third lowest distance traveled per unit time (only Dirk and Cousins have a lower average speed). 


[–]Rocketsclutchtho 67 指標 9小時前

i"m sure he doesn"t move as much but the dribble moves in isolation sets take up a lot of energy.

source: 2k



[–]CavaliersKayFeldersAlt 43 指標 10小時前

ergo, the not-so great defense.


[–]Mavericksgrumpypenguin1 54 指標 7小時前

You should probably watch a Rockets game this year


[–]CavaliersKayFeldersAlt 20 指標 7小時前 

I have and he is an average defender this year. Decent on ball, but lazy on help which is to be expected when he has this usage on offense.


[–][HOU] Yao Mingdhighway61 172 指標 9小時前

2015 called, it wants its narrative back.


[–]CavaliersKayFeldersAlt 82 指標 9小時前 

I mean, he is not an elite defender. I never said he was bad, but when you have that kinda play on offense, you have little choice but to give up something else.


[–]San Diego RocketsTucanSamBitch 39 指標 8小時前

His on ball defense has been better, good reason why he"s not a great defender is because of his off ball d. Tends to ball watch too much and leave his man open


[–][OKC] Steven Adamslegendariusss 24 指標 8小時前

Him and Russ are so similar in that regard lol


[–]Rocketsbauboish 195 指標 11小時前

FWIW the Rockets have lowkey been reducing Harden"s minutes this regular season. And he"s going to only get more rest when the Rockets wrap up the 1 seed. CP3 has also been not playing much.

Neither will have any fatigue excuse this year in the playoffs.



[–][HOU] Nene HilarioThatbrasiliankid 86 指標 10小時前

Only played like 32 minutes last night


[–]San Diego RocketsMoCityNeuroscientist 88 指標 9小時前

And Ariza only played 27. Last year in this type of game both would have easily been at 40+. The depth Morey added with not just Paul, but Tucker, Luc, and Green has absolutely been the difference this season.


[–]Rocketsdankq 39 指標 8小時前

LMAM has been huge for us, LMAM is on like a 1.8m salary which amazes me because what he brings to the team on both defense and offense is something a lot of teams could definitely use. When he was injured after that dunk and missed a lot of games you actually could notice how much the Rockets needed him on the court.


[–]HornetsIamOlderthanMe 158 指標 11小時前

It bleeds.


[–]ThunderDloadingg 95 指標 11小時前

"oh, and he"s a little too handsome..."




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