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Uber halts self-driving car tests after death


Uber said it issuspending(暫停/叫停)self-driving car tests(無人駕駛測試)in all North American cities aftera fatal accident(致命事故).

A 49-year-old woman was hit by a car and killed as she crossed the street in Tempe, Arizona.

Whileself-driving cars have been involved in multiple(各種)accidents, it is thought to be the first time an autonomous car has been involved in a fatalcollision(碰撞).

Uber said that its "hearts go out to the victim"s family".

"We"re fully cooperating with @TempePolice and local authorities as theyinvestigate(調查)this incident", the company said in a statement on Twitter.

Our hearts go out to the victim』s family. We』re fully cooperating with @TempePolice and local authorities as they investigate this incident.

— Uber Comms (@Uber_Comms) March 19, 2018

Police said the accident happened Sunday night whilethe car was in autonomous mode(處於自動駕駛模式).A human monitor was also behind the wheel(坐在駕駛室/掌控方向盤).

Police said the woman, Elaine Herzberg,had not been using a pedestrian crossing(行人斑馬線). Herzberg was taken to a local hospital where she died.

The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board said they were sending teams to Tempe.

"Wake up call"警鐘

Companies including Ford, General Motors, Tesla and Waymo(谷歌投資的自動駕駛公司)are investing heavily in(在......方面投入重金)research to developself-driving cars,which are often characterised as(被塑造成)the future of the industry and hailed(稱讚)as a way to reduce traffic accidents.

Many states across America have welcomed the tests in the hope ofkeeping themselves at the forefront of new technology(站在新技術的前沿).

However, there have been warnings that the technology is being deployed before it is ready.

Anthony Foxx, who served as US Secretary of Transportation under former President Barack Obama, called the accident a "wake up call to the entire [autonomous vehicle] industry and government toput a high priority on(優先對待/把......放在首位)safety."

More than a dozen states in the US allowautonomous vehicleson the roads to some degree.Officials typically require a person to be on hand either in the car or remotely(遠程)in case(以防萬一)something goes wrong, according to the Center for Automotive Research.

The US is working on national safetyguidelines(指導意見)for such vehicles.

Consumer Watchdog,a lobby group(遊說團體)that has warned of the risks ofautonomous cars, on Mondaycalled for a moratorium(暫停)of such vehicles on public roads,describing the accident as a "tragedy(悲劇)we have been fighting years to prevent".

"We hope our calls for realregulation(管理/規範)ofdriverless carswill betakenseriouslygoing forward bySilicon Valley(矽谷)andthe Trump Administration(特朗普政府)," the group wrote on Twitter.

Uber started testingdriverless carsin Pittsburgh in 2016. Theride-hailing firm(打車公司)has also been testing driverless cars in San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Toronto and the Phoenix area, which includes Tempe.

The death comes a year after Uber took its self-driving cars off the road following an accident that left a Volvo SUV on its side in Arizona.The programme was later reinstated(恢復).

Carla Bailo, president and chief executive of the Center for Automotive Research, said more information about how thecrashoccurred is necessary before officials can say what went wrong and how theself-driving systemshould be improved.

She also said thefatality(致命性)should be considered in the context of all accidents.

More than 37,000 people, including almost 6,000pedestrians(行人), died in traffic accidents in the US in 2016, according to the US Department of Transportation.

"We need to be fair and look at all the data," she said. "But I don"t think anybody is taking this lightly(對......置若罔聞). By far safety is the first concern(最重要的事情).

Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell saidhe supports autonomous car tests because of the technology"s potential.He also praised Uber"s decision to suspend the programme as "responsible".

"Our city leadership and TempePolice will pursue(追求/尋找)any and all answers to what happened in order to ensure safety moving forward," he said.


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