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Self-driving vehicle strikes and kills pedestrian in Arizona


A self-driving Uber SUV struck and killed a pedestrian in suburban Phoenix in the first death involving a fully autonomous test vehicle - a crash that could have far-reaching consequences for the new technology.


The fatality Sunday night in Tempe was the event many in the auto and technology industries were dreading but knew was inevitable.


Uber immediately suspended all road-testing of such autos in the Phoenix area, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and Toronto. The testing has been going on for months as automakers and technology companies like the ride-hailing service compete to be the first with cars that operate on their own.


The Volvo was in self-driving mode with a human backup driver at the wheel when it hit 49-year-old Elaine Herzberg as she was walking a bicycle outside the lines of a crosswalk, police said. She died at a hospital.

據警方介紹,這輛沃爾沃汽車在發生事故時處於自動駕駛模式,車上有一名後備駕駛員。當時49歲的伊萊恩·赫茨伯格(Elaine Herzberg)在人行橫道外的地方推著單車行走時被該輛汽車撞到,這名女子最後死於醫院。

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi expressed condolences on his Twitter account and said the company is working with local law enforcement on the investigation.

優步首席執行官達拉·科斯羅薩西(Dara Khosrowshahi)在他的推特賬戶上表示哀悼,並說公司正在與當地執法部門一起調查此事。

The National Transportation Safety Board, which makes recommendations for preventing crashes, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which can enact regulations, sent investigators.

美國國家運輸安全委員會(National Transportation Safety Board)負責提出防止撞車事故的建議,而國家公路交通安全管理局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)負責頒布法規,並派出調查人員。

Tempe police Sgt Ronald Elcock said local authorities haven"t drawn any conclusions about who is at fault but urged people to use crosswalks. He told reporters at a news conference Monday the Uber vehicle was traveling around 40 mph when it hit Helzberg immediately as she stepped on to the street.

坦佩警長羅納德·埃爾科克(Ronald Elcock)說,地方當局還沒有得出任何關於誰有過錯的結論,但敦促人們要走在人行橫道上。他在周一的新聞發布會上告訴記者,當赫茨伯格走上街頭被撞到時,這輛優步車正以每小時40英里的速度行駛。

Neither she nor the backup driver showed signs of impairment, he said.


The public"s image of the vehicles will be defined by stories like the crash in Tempe, said Bryant Walker Smith, a University of South Carolina law professor who studies self-driving vehicles.


Although the Uber vehicle and its human backup could be at fault, it may turn out that there was nothing either could have done to stop the crash, he said.


Either way, the fatality could hurt the technology"s image and lead to a push for more regulations at the state and federal levels, Smith said.


Autonomous vehicles with laser, radar and camera sensors and sophisticated computers have been billed as the way to reduce the more than 40,000 traffic deaths a year in the US alone. 94 per cent of crashes are caused by human error, the government says.


Autonomous vehicles don"t drive drunk, don"t get sleepy and aren"t easily distracted. But they do have faults.


"We should be concerned about automated driving," Smith said. "We should be terrified about human driving."

「我們應該關注自動駕駛,」史密斯說。 「我們應該對人類駕駛感到恐懼。」

In 2016, the latest year available, more than 6,000 US pedestrians were killed by vehicles.


The federal government has voluntary guidelines for companies that want to test autonomous vehicles, leaving much of the regulation up to states.



Many states, including Michigan and Arizona, have taken a largely hands-off approach, hoping to gain jobs from the new technology, while California and others have taken a harder line.


California is among states that require manufacturers to report any incidents during the testing phase. As of early March, the state"s motor vehicle agency had received 59 such reports.


Arizona Governor Doug Ducey used light regulations to entice Uber to the state after the company had a shaky rollout of test cars in San Francisco. Arizona has no reporting requirements.

亞利桑那州州長道格·杜西(Doug Ducey)在舊金山進行了一場不穩定的試車後,使用了一些輕鬆的法規來吸引優步進入該州。亞利桑那州沒有報告方面的要求。

Hundreds of vehicles with automated driving systems have been on Arizona"s roads.


Ducey"s office expressed sympathy for Herzberg"s family and said safety is the top priority.


The crash in Arizona isn"t the first involving an Uber autonomous test vehicle. In March 2017, an Uber SUV flipped onto its side, also in Tempe. No serious injuries were reported, and the driver of the other car was cited for a violation.


Herzberg"s death is the first involving an autonomous test vehicle but not the first in a car with some self-driving features. The driver of a Tesla Model S was killed in 2016 when his car, operating on its Autopilot system, crashed into a tractor-trailer in Florida.

赫茨伯格之死第一次涉及到自動駕駛測試汽車,但並不是第一輛有自動駕駛功能的汽車。特斯拉Model S的司機在2016年遇難,當時他的汽車在其自動駕駛系統上運行,撞上了佛羅里達州的一輛拖車。

The NTSB said that driver inattention was to blame but that design limitations with the system played a major role in the crash.


The US Transportation Department is considering further voluntary guidelines that it says would help foster innovation. Proposals also are pending in Congress, including one that would stop states from regulating autonomous vehicles, Smith said.


Peter Kurdock, director of regulatory affairs for Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety in Washington, said the group sent a letter Monday to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao saying it is concerned about a lack of action and oversight by the department as autonomous vehicles are developed. That letter was planned before the crash.

華盛頓高速公路和汽車安全倡議組織負責監管事務的主管彼得?庫爾多克(Peter Kurdock)表示,該組織周一致函交通部長趙小蘭(Elaine Chao),稱其擔心該部門自動駕駛車輛的開發缺乏行動和監督。那封信是在事故發生前寫的。

Kurdock said the deadly crash should serve as a "startling reminder" to members of Congress that they need to "think through all the issues to put together the best bill they can to hopefully prevent more of these tragedies from occurring."




Driver driven vehicles are killing dozens in India each day.


Vijay Thommandra:

A self driven vehicle in India is beyond imagination with absolutely no traffic rule following.


Lalit Sadhwani:

Autonomous system must have been from China.



Automated vehicles will be much safer than idiot humans any day.


Deepak B Mhalas:

Thats sad, but many die in road mishaps which are driven by human.



Not a big deal..Machines are still learning!


Rakesh Takru:

We in India do not require driverless cars but precautions need to be taken with better medical facilities .......


Appa Durai:

Automation has its limitations


Harjot Singh:

Self drive technology needs further tuning. If applies in India now, it will result in tremendous increase in fatalities. You hardly see the road markings!!

自動駕駛技術需要進一步調整。 如果現在在印度推廣,將導致死亡人數大幅增加。因為你幾乎看不到路標!!

Robin Pandey:

They will learn from the mistake and correct it. Google, Tesla are all investing in it so the tech will improve.


A Kumar:

Whats new in this. It is bound to happen


Chalu Pand:

hope government around the world, stop this stupidness of self driving car and AI projects..


San G:

Too insensitive !!! Company must be criminalised !!!

太不敏感了! ! !公司必須被定罪!!!

Laddu Prajapati:

sad news...she would""ve follow the crossing signs


Vivek Sood:

Why you need self driving cars . Silly westerners

為什麼你們需要自駕車? 愚蠢的西方人

Tejinder Sharma:

Well , it』s says that 40,000 are being killed in USA aswell ..Human error is everywhere. Need more attention.



The car will be sued.... life imprisonment for the car



So who will face the Trial of killing ??



Thank God we have no such vehicles in India yet.


Sugath Palan:

The authorities need to re-think on driverless cars. They need to come up with more innovations.




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