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Simien Mountain National Park

The Simien Mountain National Park (SMNP) was established in 1969 primarily to maintain the endemic and rare wildlife species, the unique Afro-alpine habitat and the spectacular landscape of the area. (Photo by Gonzalo Guajardo-F. Caballos of African Wildlife Foundation. Founded in 1961, AWF has been a leading environmental protection agency in Africa for more than 50 years.)


衣索比亞狼行動優雅、四肢較長,是非洲唯一的野生狼。由於棲息地的破壞和疾病的威脅,目前僅剩不到500隻散居的衣索比亞狼。(圖片提供:Perrin Banks, AWF)

Ethiopian wolf

This elegant, long-legged wolf is the only wolf species to exist in Africa, There are fewer than 500 remaining in scattered populations threatened by habitat loss and disease. (Photo by Perrin Banks, AWF)


獅尾狒在瑟門山地區大量聚居,是食草類靈長動物中唯一存活至今的種類。(圖片提供: Craig Sholley,AWF)

Gelada Monkeys

With large populations found in the Simien Mountains, it is the last surviving species of grass-eating primates. (Photo by Craig Sholley,AWF)


隨著管理水平的提高,同時降低遊客影響措施效果顯著,瑟門山國家公園於2017年7月脫離瀕危世界遺產目錄。(圖片提供:Craig Sholley, AWF)

Sunset in Simien Mountain National Park

In July 2017, SMNP was removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger in recognition of improvements in its management and of measures taken to reduce overgrazing and visitor impact.(Photo by Craig Sholley, AWF)


瓦利亞野山羊是一種瀕臨滅絕的野山羊,大部分現存的瓦利亞野山羊生活在瑟門山國家公園之內。(圖片提供: Gonzalo Guajardo-F. Caballos,AWF)

Walia Ibex

Walia Ibex (Capra ibex walie) is an endangered species of wild goat . Most remaining Walia Ibex are found within the boundaries of the Simien Mountains National Park. (Photo by Gonzalo Guajardo-F. Caballos,AWF)





China Investmentmagazine, established in 1985, is a monthly at central government level and China』s oldest media outlet concentrating on trends reporting in the investment arena.

Starting from April 2016 and under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Department of the Central Committee of Communist Party of China,China InvestmentAfrican Edition will create and provide a professional and powerful platform of dialogue for the ever larger-scale but sustainable cooperation between China and the African countries throughout the continent.

Responding to the call of the spirit of the times and inspired by the Belts and Roads Initiative, the Belts and Roads edition ofChina Investmentcame into being in May 2017, with a mission to cover the world as it is reshaped by the initiative.


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