首頁 > 新聞 > 中國農科院哈爾濱獸醫研究所在偽狂犬病毒基因編輯方面取得重要進展


近日,國際知名期刊《美國實驗生物學學會聯合會雜誌(FASEB Journal)》在線發表了中國農業科學院哈爾濱獸醫研究所動物病原監測與流行病學團隊關於偽狂犬病毒基因編輯的重要文章。本研究對皰疹病毒的基因改造具有重要的指導意義。相關論文「CRISPR/Cas9-mediated 2-sgRNA cleavage facilitates pseudorabies virus editing」。

偽狂犬病毒(Pseudorabies virus, PRV) 又稱奧耶斯基病(Aujeszky) 病毒或豬I型皰疹病毒,與人單純皰疹病毒(herpes simplex virus type 1,HSV-1)以及帶狀皰疹病毒(varicella-zoster virus,VZV)同屬α皰疹病毒。PRV可引起多種家畜和野生動物感染,豬是該病毒的原發感染宿主和傳染源。PRV自發現以來,在全球範圍廣泛流行,被世界動物衛生組織(World Organisation for Animal Health,OIE)列為B類傳染病,其危害極其嚴重。近日,復旦大學華山醫院通報一起人感染PRV的個案,表明PRV對人類健康具有潛在的威脅!


本研究是在國家重點研發計劃(2016YFD0500100 新發與再現畜禽重大疫病的致病與免疫機制)的資助下完成的。湯艷東博士、郭金潮碩士和王同雲碩士為本文共同第一作者,蔡雪輝研究員和安同慶研究員為共同通訊作者。


Several groups have used CRISPR/Cas9 (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9) for DNA virus editing. In most cases, one single-guide RNA (sgRNA) is used, which produces inconsistencies in gene editing. In this study, we used a swine herpesvirus, pseudorabies virus, as a model to systematically explore the application of CRISPR/Cas9 in DNA virus editing. In our current report, we demonstrated that cotransfection of 2 sgRNAs and a viral genome resulted in significantly better knockout efficiency than the transfection–infection-based approach. This method could result in 100% knockout of ≤3500 bp of viral nonessential large fragments. Furthermore, knockin efficiency was significantly improved by using 2 sgRNAs and was also correlated with the number of background viruses. We also demonstrated that the background viruses were all 2-sgRNA–mediated knockout mutants. Finally, this study demonstrated that the efficacy of gene knockin is determined by the replicative kinetics of background viruses. We propose that CRISPR/Cas9 coupled with 2 sgRNAs creates a powerful tool for DNA virus editing and offers great potential for future applications.





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