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首先4月精讀團有乖乖領資料的同學們先樂了一會兒,考到了上周的福利文章:ZTPO2這篇閱讀,ZTPO 02 - Constraints on Natural Selection。


今天來給大家講一個巨難的題目:Constraints on Natural Selection

Another constraint on natural selection is developmental interaction. The different components of an individual organism—its structures and organs—are not independent of one another, and none of them responds to selection without interacting with the others. The whole developmental machinery is a single interacting system. Organisms are compromises among competing demands. How far a particular structure or organ can respond to the forces of selection depends, to a considerable extent, on the resistance offered by other structures and organs, as well as components of the genotype (the totality of an individual』s genes).

7.According to paragraph 3, why must organisms compromise between competing demands?

A. A particular organ or structure may be unable to respond to selection pressures due to the needs of other parts of the organism.

B. An organism』s ability to respond to the forces of selection depends on the demands of other organisms within its environment.

C. An organism』s environment and its genotype try at the same time to influence its ability to respond to natural selection.

D. Different elements of the environment call for adaptations that are often incompatible with one another.


對比之後,我們會發現,A和B主要的區別在於,A是 due to the needs of other parts of the organism,B depends on the demands of other organisms within its environment.原因描述是不一樣的,按照我們對比較邏輯考點的分析,A選項是強調個體內部或者自身的比較,而B選項強調的是個體和個體之間的比較!


這就是我們提倡的邏輯考點分析法!不僅要讀好文章,還要看透ETS的出題思路!比較邏輯,現在比較深的套路就是這樣,個體內部的比較 PK個體和個體之間的比較!當然也可以是群體內部的比較 PK群體和群體之間的比較。


Thorpe found that, if he raised young males in total isolation from all others, the song they produced was quite different from that of a normal adult.

選項改成了:Characteristics of the song of the young chaffinches in Chorpe』s experiment were clearly different from each other.




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