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最好的時光,是回不來的時光。 The best times are the ones

最好的時光,是回不來的時光。 The best times are the ones


The best times are the ones that never come back.

最好的時光,是回不來的時光。 The best times are the ones

Buried city, to shut all lights. 埋下一座城,關了所有燈。

最好的時光,是回不來的時光。 The best times are the ones

Not because of my persistence , but because you are worth it . 不是因為我執著,而是因為你值得 。

最好的時光,是回不來的時光。 The best times are the ones

當她遲疑了一下說「我很好」的時候,其實她不好。When a girl answers "I"m fine" after a few seconds, she is not fine at all.

最好的時光,是回不來的時光。 The best times are the ones




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